1. Who eats more?
On average I do.
2. Who said "I love you" first?
I have no idea. But it sure was good :)
3. How long have you been together?
Almost seven and a half years. We got married on the fifth anniversary of our loving.
4. Who sings better?
I do, but considering that I used to sing in a choir and he usually lets instruments do the music, not nearly enough ;)
5. Who's older?
I am. He's such a kid. (Okay, so it's four months.)
6. Who's smarter?
Depends on what's being measured. It's great how we complement each other.
7. Whose temper is worse?
Mine used to be way worse but nowadays it's not so clear -- I've mellowed out a lot.
8. Who does the laundry?
I do it more often. He's way better at folding, though.
9. Who does the dishes?
Thank gods for dishwasher! We both hate doing dishes.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
He does. Except when we're visiting someplace, I usually do. I'm not sure why.
11. Who snores?
He does. I may snore a bit.
12. Whose hair is longer?
Mine. He used to have long hair but cut it short, I used to have short hair but grew it long :)
13. Who's better with the computer?
He is. I'm so out of touch.
14. Do you have pets?
No. I used to want a snake but I married a man with a phobia. Then I wanted a cat but he feels we're away for weekends too often. Now I'm content with my darling Dugi-piglet.
16. Who cooks dinner?
He does more often. I'm actually really proud of his cooking since he had cooked very little when we got together. He's fabulous with steaks and makes marvellous hamburgers (the meaty part, for those of you who think 'hamburger' refers to a roll with stuff in it). He's also become the supreme cake creator and has recently extended his repertoire to delicious pies. I bake really good bread, though, and am not a bad cook myself.
17. Who drives when you are together?
He does. He enjoys it and I'm lazy that way.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
It depends. Lately he's been paying more of the time. He mostly pays for food and I take care of the bills.
19. Who is the most stubborn?
Umh. Tough one. I'm proud of us for having learnt to compromise so smoothly.
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
Eh, does that actually happen to some people?
21. Whose parents do you see more?
His because his mum and grandparents live closer than my parents and sister.
22. Who named your pets?
23. Who kissed who first?
I seem to recall us kissing each other ;)
24. Who asked who out?
He asked me. He wrote the first e-mail for starters and after I had given him my phone number he asked me out for a coffee. That is the date of our anniversary, and two months later we got engaged. The pace at which things moved was unheard of for me but it all just fell into place naturally.
26. Who's more sensitive?
Depends on the issue, really. Often the things that make him upset or excited have me react more coolly and the other way around.
27. Who's taller?
He is. Not too much, which I like, and as a bonus he has a better reach than one might think.
28. Who has more friends?
He does, although most of our friends are, well, ours. I'm the introvert and he's the extrovert even if we both can act very social. The difference is that being around people taxes me way more.
29. Who has more siblings?
I do. He is an only child and I have a sister.
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Hrmph, one doesn't need pants for decision making. For some parts he's happy to have me take care of schedules and such like and for bigger stuff we negotiate.
31. Who sleeps naked?
We both prefer to.
33. Who has been with more ex-lovers?
He has. But I have had more serious ex-relationships.
34. Who has more money?
I used to. Now we have quite equal wages.
35. Who has more tattoos?
Neither, any.
36. Who eats more sweets?
I do but he loves his sweetbread and crisps.
37. Who is closer to their family?
38. Who has the older car?
We have one car. Old.
39. Who has bigger dreams?
He's the dreamer, in the best senses of the word.
40. Who cries more?
I do, but neither of us cries often. This is still true although I've been somewhat more emotional during the pregnancy.