Tender lobes+bit of an intro

Sep 09, 2010 02:42

Hello everyone!

My name is Jessica. Currently I have my lobes stretched to 0g, my left helix pierced, both nipples and recently had my jestrum done (or vertical medusa, whichever you prefer). I have one small tattoo behind my left ear and plans for other tattoos in the future.

Anyways, my question. I've been stretching my lobes for about 2 years now and just yesterday, got to 0g. I've gone slowly and haven't forced anything, if it hurt, I waited. Basically I stretched passively, I'd wear one size until the next fit easily. I was at 2g for about 10 months and decided it was time to try 0g. I bought plugs (glass single flares) and tried and no way they were fitting. So over about 2-3 weeks I stretched up. I'd do a layer or two of teflon every other day and there was no issue there. Before each tape, I'd do a soak with warm water and use Bio Oil as lube.

Yesterday I decided to try the 0g to see if they fit because according to my gauge chart, my taped plugs were basically the same as my 0g. One went in easily (very slight push on my part but no forcing and it didn't hurt). The other wasn't ready so I taped that side up a bit, went to bed and tonight tried it again, and it went in the same was the other side did.

Problem is, they're a bit tender and hurty now. Nothing massive but distracting. Should I downsize? 2g to 0g is a bit of a jump compared to all my other stretches but I feel that because I didn't force things, there shouldn't be an issue, but yet, hurty.

Experiences? Advice? thanks.
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