Jul 26, 2007 02:42
breathtaking. is how i would describe my relationship with katty. if i had to sum it all up in one word. which is nearly impossible. i feel so deeply for her. for someone i've never even physically touched. or seen laugh. or seen smile. or seen eat. or seen do anything. but i can see it all in my mind. and i have a pretty good mental image of her. when we talk, its so amazing. we understand each other so well. its as if i am sitting beside her all along. she makes me smile so brightly by the simplest gesture-a heart, kiss, rose, or hug. when she tells me she loves me. wow. what an emotion. i feel so alive. tingly. short of breath. excited. and i can't imagine what it will be like to hear it face to face. she is similar to me. which i don't think is a bad thing. we are meant to meet, and learn from each other. we are open-minded and willing to look at things in different views. we have different cultures. different languages. different ways of living. yet we are alike. so alike. we know each others moods by a sound, or a type, or a word. we get each other. we enjoy similar music. we appreciate similar movies. but we are learning new artists and new titles that are not common in our countries. she is a strong woman. filled with realistic dreams and an amazing heart. she is compassionate. feisty. loving. sweet. sarcastic. competitive. adoring. admirable. genuine. inspiring. goofy. studious. different. intelligent. witty. honest. remarkable. loyal. gorgeous. cute. alive. and she makes me a better person. i think about things differently. i take the time to listen. i am star-struck by her. i love her voice. oh god. so adorable, honestly. the accent-so sexy. i can't wait to wake up each morning to her (even if its at 5:30 am). her smile could light up a room. her glasses are a plus. she's the perfect size. her freckles are so cute. i want to count each one. i want to feel her fingers intertwined in my own. i want to feel her breath against my mouth. i want to kiss her forehead. and push her hair back behind her ears. i want to see her in the morning. i want to see her stretch in real life. i want to watch movies. learn spanish. teach english. go to the park with the dogs. chase maya down 2 blocks. play futbol/soccer. dance at the club. travel to cuzco. go to music concerts. lay at the beach. swim in the water. lie in bed. fall asleep. cuddle. kiss. make love. eat breakfast and lunch (and sometimes dinner). meet her family. share stories. laugh. joke around. be sweet. flirt discreetly. take in her culture and talk about mine. become a more realistic soul and have an idea of who we are. i want to feel her love me and me love her. inseparable.