Mega was veritably glued to his monitor and computer as he worked on his big project. The
meeting with Macon and Dan had left him agitated, irritated, and uninterested in anything minutely unimportant. Some tried to interrupt him and they merely got ignored or snapped at, and now the room was quiet, save for the hum of the machines and a few of his
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Pushing his chair back calmly, he saved and closed the program before standing, "Here for your booster? Let's go," he motioned at the doorway before turning and walking away from her. Shake it off, do not be impolite, he reminded himself, stopping as he entered the hallway to turn and wait for her, his hands behind his back, left wrist clasped loosely in his right hand. "I take it that you've had a good day?" he gave her his best relaxed happy face, no emotion, simply, there, walking beside her, his jaw clenching and unclenching slightly as he tried to calm his irritation and agitation away.
Blinking slowly, his left eye didn't even close all of the way, it was as if he felt he had to keep an eye on the world at all times. Opening the door of a room, not his own, but one set up with a bed. It had, at one time, been Tai-San's room, before she had moved in with him. It housed a dresser, a computer desk, sans computer now, and a twin bed, made up with fresh sheets. He'd had this cleaned up, just for Java's visits as yesterday's had left her somewhat woozy and in need of a rest after the injection. "I've had this room cleaned up for you, it's, well it's yours, Java, for after," he didn't say after what, he knew she knew well enough what he was talking about.
"Have you any information on Ram?" his head tilted, waiting to see if she would volunteer information to him on his whereabouts at the moment. If Java didn't tell him what Ram was up to, he'd know it was he who his renegades were meeting with, and he would surely have to put Java in her place once more. She really needed to be reminded of her place on a constant basis, he could see that, he knew that, she was a wild, untamed animal. But, he would wait, he wanted her to come forward voluntarily, to prove her dedication to the cause.
"But, you're in luck," she explained after a beat, looking down to roll her sleeve up the elbow. "I -have- had a good day, as it happens; I'm willing to chalk all this up to you just being shy." A glance back up, another wicked smirk. "Although I gotta say, giving me a -room-? Pretty bold." She gave him a wink, one deft hand catching her braids and smoothing them back as she studied him. "Maybe I need to get you a new excuse."
The smirk faded slightly at his question about Ram; while Java knew full well that that was why she was here, her husband was really the last thing she was in the mood to discuss. "Ram hasn't said a thing," she said, truthfully, her gaze falling to the muscles of her exposed forearm. "Of course, he might trust me more if I wasn't always sneaking out at night..." Glossy black eyes darted back to him, judging his reaction. "He still hasn't quite gotten used to that week I was missing, you know... Give me space, baby; you might get better results."
His bottom lip moved in as he scraped his teeth across it, a self used maneuver to keep himself under control, his emotions. "Timidness is unnecessary," he told her simply, "There is no room for that in my life. I simply," he paused for thought, taking a deep breath and letting his eyes move up as if searching for the right words in the air. "Take what I want, when I want it," his eyes fell easily back to her face, a nonemotional look to his face. It was as if this was the most boring thing he could be doing with his day. In reality, he was glad to see her, enjoying the conversation for once today. She was intelligent, and he knew he could take advantage of that if he would just let himself be at ease.
Looking behind him, he took a seat on the loveseat pushed against this wall, his long legs stretched before him. He tilted his head, "I could let Line administer the injection and put you back on the street. Have you forgotten the after effects? I didn't want to abandon you in the streets, Java. It is my mistake if you'd rather wander around hallucinating, babbling to the virts," his words came out sharply, drawn out, though he meant no offense by it. It was simply his nature.
Mega lifted his chin as she lied about Ram and his whereabouts, their relationship. "Why are you sneaking out at night, Java? Do you have a hidden agenda I should know about?" His eyes pierced her like two strong hands, holding them on her as if he could put pressure against her chocolate skin that way. "Soooo, you don't know where he is now?" it was simple, and Mega wanted to know, his eyes narrowing and waiting for her reply.
She ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip, catching his gaze as a hint of a smirk returned to her lips. "And it's so hard to remember anything, too..."
She leaned back into the pillows of the bed, eyes never leaving his, and felt her smile broaden very slightly. "C'mon, Mega," she lured, looking up at him with feigned innocence. "You -know- I'm loyal to you. You think I want to go through all that again? You think I'd take Ram back, after he threw me out? -You're- the one who keeps me now, Mega; you're the one who's pulling the strings." Her voice was low, smokey; the voice that had once sworn her allegiance to Lord Ram, that had uttered such provocative things in his programs. "And I know there's nowhere I could go where you couldn't find me. You don't -need- the drugs to, ah," and her eyes were as suggestive as her tone, "keep me where you want me."
He didn't want to give in so easily, and he wouldn't come to her this time, he wasn't going to do something so stupid as to put himself where he'd been put repeatedly just the day before. His eyebrow raised again and he cleared his throat, leaning into the arm of the loveseat now, calculating his response. "Do I know that Java? Does coming back every day so you don't die prove your loyalty? Does that make you," his eyes traveled the length of her body and back again, "mine? I don't know how I can trust you, Java, when only yesterday you were willing to kill me. Or, have you forgotten?"
Her fingertips left the hem as she sank a little deeper into the pillows, her braids a halo of black and purple and white around her face. "You want to know, logically, why I'm yours?" she asked, eyes trained on him as the smile took on a sharper edge. "You want me to skip the part where you just like the feel of my skin on yours, the part where you -liked- being on top of me?" Her brow darted up, questioning. "Fine."
"I'm yours, Mega, because the city is yours. You control everything that happens in this little empire; you overthrew my husband, and you claimed and improved upon the spoils of war. I," she continued, the chill of logic doing nothing to take the purr out of her voice, "am part of the empire you claimed, and, in case you -missed- it, I like being with whoever's on top. You ever -lose- this city," she told him, bluntly, "I'll leave you faster than you can say 'good-bye.' But so long as you run the show, baby, I'm yours for the ride."
Mega thought back to why he'd had it done, why he'd decided that torture was the only way to break through to her, to get across the exact necessity of her cooperation. She was Ram's, everyone knew that, but as she said now, she was easily swayed. If it was true that he could have her simply by being the new leader of the most powerful outfit in the city, then why had torture been necessary at all? She should have broken, she should have walked away from Ram and come in search of Mega.
Of course, no one knew he was here, and she hadn't known it was he who was having her tortured every day, secretly, so maybe it was his mistake not to tell her of these things in the beginning. No, he reminded himself, she was not to be trusted. She just wanted the antidote instead of the booster, she wanted to be free, and then she would go to her precious lord Ram and send him here to bring him down. Mega knew her well, she not only liked being with whomever was on top, she liked being on top.
He did get quite an ego boost from it, she wanted to be with him, and yes, he was in charge of the city. Often in times like these he let that slip his mind, it was an entire outfit and though he sat comfortably behind the helm of the ship, sometimes he felt lost in the crew. Java kindly reminded him that it was his show, and for now, he was on top. Being on top felt good, though he didn't let it show in his demeanor, he simply watched her.
Arching the other eyebrow, Mega dropped the deep thoughts and got back to the energy in the air, the tension he felt pulling him towards her, though he didn't move. He would not budge this time, he would not be rejected again, and he wasn't her play thing. "I do," he began, calculating his words carefully, her comments about skin on skin not lost in the waves of thought, "like being on top. Especially on top of you. I like how you're so, blunt. It's really a lost quality amongst Technos these days, always, kissing butt, sucking up, afraid. You're not afraid, are you, Java?"
He wasn't coming to her, and so Java slowly sat up, her back arching prettily as she got back to her feet. "But the difference between me and your goons," she purred, crossing the room with languid steps as her eyes burned into his, "is that I understand that this city needs a man with a spine. You're in charge precisely because you're someone worthy of being feared. You're brilliant, strong, cruel... and the city, in its heart, loves you for it. But let me tell you something, Mega." She came to a stop in front of him, her hands crossing at her hips and catching the hem of her top. "I for one am tired of being afraid of you. I've wasted enough time fighting you, enough time resisting." She slowly pulled the hemline up, showing the smooth curves of her hips, the taut muscles of her stomach. "I want to work -with- you, Mega." The shirt slid up across her chest, across sleek black silk and the smooth expanse of soft curves, then over her head to be tossed into a puddle of cashmere on the floor. "I want to -be- with you." Her fingers began undoing fitted black trousers, her eyes, dark and smokey, never leaving his. "And I want you to trust me."
"Call Line," she requested, her voice accompanied by the soft whisper of a zipper being undone. "Tell him to bring me the antidote... in an hour."
His train of thought was lost as her hands lifted her shirt, her skin exposed until the shirt was off and on the floor. He could feel his breathing begin to increase and he simply forced himself to calm down. None of that, no feelings, she wanted something, that was merely all, and his hard eyes watched her, his face unaffected by it all. She wanted to be with him? Trust her?
And then, there it was, as if he had wished it to be true, her telling him her true desire, her true meaning behind getting topless and playing with her zipper. As if he believed she'd go so far as to be with him, if only he'd give her the antidote. It was an enticing offer, of course, his mind wandered back to times with VJ, with his desire to find out if Java really was ticklish there, but somewhere in the back of it all, he was ticked. She was being manipulative, and though he found this to be a rather sexy trait when coming from Java, he wasn't easily swayed. "Why should I Java? What more do you have to prove you're trustworthy than getting naked for me? Give me a good, solid reason, anything that means something to you, and then we'll talk about the antidote," he didn't move from his seated position, eyes trained on hers, narrowing ever so slightly.
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