IT'S EVIL O'CLOCK, PEOPLE! WOOT. OK, yeah, I'd heard the rumors, seen pictures from the set, etc, but I'm all bouncy anyway. Despite the fact that it may be a dream/hallucination or something, and despite my lack of faith in RTDs ability to write a finale that isn't, at the very least, disappointing. Hope springs eternal and all that. And also, it looks like a very Master-y plot. (Which I'm gleeful about but that is not a compliment, exactly.) Right now fannish glee is overriding the fannish dread.
And eee, new Waters of Mars trailer! The ENDING of the new Waters of Mars trailer! He thought he had the whole knocking thing figured out, didn't he? Oops. Prophecy is a pain in the ass. And it bites you on the ass, too.
Edited to add links to both:
New trailer for "Waters of Mars" Trailer for Ten's last two eps (Best quality I've seen but still not great--but, y'know, shot off the big screen at comiccon with a camcorder, so. We'll take what we can get.