Speculation, rambling, etc. about Doctor Who, and babble about Torchwood

Jul 20, 2009 17:47

Well, this got long. I had more to babble about than I thought.

I'm putting this here now on the off-chance that I'm right, but it's only fair to admit that I am NEVER right about these things. I seem to have joined the ranks of those who think RTD might give us Gallifrey back before he goes. It makes a vague kind of sense, since he's the one who brought that to the Who-verse, and, well, Journey's End showed that the war's not as time-locked as the Doctor thought. I think it might even be a good idea, as much as I like the angst. Because that particular angsty horse might've been ridden to death at this point.

The thing that made me lean this way? From Planet of the Dead:


It is returning.
It is returning through the dark.

And then, Doctor...
Oh, but then...
He will knock four times.

"It is returning through the dark." It doesn't really have to be anything bad. I mean, she made it sound that way, but she may not have really understood what she saw? Or maybe she just knows what it's going to cost him? I have to admit to being a bad Doctor/Master fangirl and not getting "he will knock four times" until I saw the look on the Doctor's face. And yeah, I've seen that picture from the set, too. I am equal parts squee and dread, honestly. *holds breath*

Bwah. This is not the way I expected them to go, but there's something adorably Five-ish about it. And, well, the old school doctors were not known for their fashion sense. It says something that U-boat captain and Trainers-with-suits was an improvement, you know? Also, my brain wants to do something with the fact that tweed-and-bow-tie is John Smith-y. And man, Karen Gillan is adorable. I'm completely willing to believe that next season is going to ROCK.

Also, I finally finished Children of Earth, so I must babble about it.

Children of Earth:
I really, really enjoyed this. Fandom insanity had made me wary, and I was pretty thoroughly spoiled, but I thought it was GOOD. Great secondary characters, Gwen was awesome, Rhys was pure WIN, Jack did what had to be done and didn't look away, even though it was ripping his heart out, and Ianto got a good death. I. Kind of don't see what all the flail was about. I never expected Jack to stay on Earth forever, I never doubted that he could be ruthlessly pragmatic enough to sacrifice some to save millions (millions the first time, billions the second). He didn't have a choice, and he's not the Doctor. He does the best he can with the resources he's got. I understand Ianto fans being upset, of course. OK, not to the extent that some of them were, but still. But he got to be the one to push Jack into fighting, and he got to die in Jack's arms. If he had to go, that's not a bad way. (And Jack sort of broke my heart with the flip to, I take it back, not him, just don't kill him.)

I can't help but wonder what the Doctor would have done, and of course the answer is that they'd never have put the Doctor in that situation, because it's a very different show, but. I'm not sure he could have put a child in that circle and killed him directly, even to save the Earth. Nine? Definitely not. Ten? I don't think so. Ten can be a ruthless bastard, yes, and I love that about him, but he's a slightly different kind of ruthless than Jack had to be here. He can sacrifice Gallifrey to save the universe, Pompeii to save the Earth, but. I don't think he could have done what Jack did. If they'd cyberconverted the kids in The Next Doctor, he could have killed them along with the rest, I think, and of course there were children in Pompeii and on Gallifrey, but that's more...abstract, in a way. To put that kid in that circle, and step back? No. I don't think he could have.

In other TV news, Leverage is BACK and still rocks, and Warehouse 13 is FUN. Why, yes, I have watched a lot of TV in the last two days. (I need "Artie catches the Doctor rummaging in the warehouse" fic.)

And now, food. *goes to forage*

torchwood, leverage, doctor who, warehouse 13

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