
Apr 28, 2012 13:05

Well. It's been quite some time since I've posted here. (Not that I've posted anywhere else, either!) The nudge was appreciated, guardian_chaos, even though it was three almost four weeks ago when you sent it. *facepalm* I've been sort of keeping up with my flist, but have been awful about commenting. When I get out of the habit, it's hard to start again. If I don't comment on people's serious problems, I feel bad commenting on the fluffier posts. Even though, if it's my journal, I'm always happy to hear from people about whatever. Probably I just need to get over myself and comment when the mood strikes. Because once I'm in the habit of it, it's easier to comment in general. What do you think? Is it annoying to get random comments from people you haven't heard from in a while when they didn't comment when you were struggling? Do you even pay attention to stuff like that?

Here are some places I've been while I haven't been here:

Lots of people on my Twitter feed seem to be following this tumblr: Unfuck Your Habitat, which is pretty darn motivational for getting things done. I find that I haven't been doing the 20/10 sort of things from that (work on something for 20 minutes, take a break for 10, repeat as necessary) but I think it has shifted my attitude toward "fix that thing that's bothering you NOW," which is helpful.

I love this blog: The Fat Nutritionist. I've linked here to the first post of hers that I read, but really, I'm ridiculously fond of her attitude in general.

I think that if 2012 has a theme for me, it's this: follow your instincts. At almost 42 years old, I think it's finally sinking in, and I think it works more often than it doesn't. Or at least, I find that I'm more unhappy when I don't follow my instincts and I turn out to have been right than when I do follow them and it turns out I was wrong. ...That sentence makes sense in my head.

...This kind of sounds like I'm getting it all together in the cleaning, food, and attitude department, and I'm very much not. (As anyone who was subjected to an email rant about my week last week knows all too well.) But I feel like I'm headed in a good direction, at least. What have y'all been up to?

comfort food, rl, randomness

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