Although a member for several months, I feel the introduction is in order
But to heck with the 'format'. Men do not do format. Here is the story and why I do not think you girls no longer deserve my honest input.
I've been married longer than most of you have been alive. I have been married 34 three women. One by disaster, one by choice and one that still partners with me to the end.
The subject at hand is marriage. In that, I claim that yes, being old in this case DOES give me some level of clarity on a subject most of you are still struggling with. I am the expert; prove me wrong.
Based on observation, most of the advice given here is based on personal experience. Read most posts, and you find there is a common thread: everyone has a different opinion!
Your problem is men. Your mistake is asking women about men. If you want to know about a man, you should ask a man. Old men, like me; over 50. HIii, remember us? Your uncles and older cousins and friends online?
I do not hide behind semi-witty or suggestive user names because I have nothing to hide. When it comes to observing life, I have an opinion because I've lived long enough to see lots of things unfold. If I join a community such as this, and someone asks for advice, sometimes I will post and offer an observation.
I've had more issues with warning from the mod's for 'name calling'.
If a hubby is acting like a jerk, I should be able to say "The guy is being a jerk; treat him thusly" for example.
Posts of mutual hand wringing, "I got one of them too", and suggestions of counseling only go so far.
Fact is, based on my observations over the months, those who post with 'problems' with their spouses simply have no idea how men think, or even why they think the way they do.
Imagine a situation where you are going to menopause, you have a spouse with a terminal disease, you are the main breadwinner with no children, and your life savings has been drained by a business that can't get off the ground because of a few parking spaces.
Anyone have any advice on how we should cope? Anyone? Bueller?
No? Its OK, for it is not necessary. We understand the power of marriage and the binding force of love.
Perhaps one day some of you may actually experience what we do every day. You should be so blessed.
I tried for a while after the *first* warning to 'play nice'. It is difficult for me to convey messages of honesty when one has to worry if ones words may cross some imaginary line that some arbitrary mod may or may not find 'offensive'. I have no time for typing empty words of sympathy. I offer something most precious to me, a gift with unlimited value; my time.
As a Community you should collectively ask yourself, "Do we want men in the Community.?" Then ask "If so, must these men be emasculated in order to participate?"
The Truth? Can you handle the Truth™?