Introduction Survey

Oct 04, 2007 21:26

Your Name: Beckey
Your Age: 35
Your Husband/Wife's Name: Gary (he's 50)
Wedding Date: June 23, 2007
How Did You Guys Meet?: MySpace
Kids Ages & Names (If Any): None...and none planned!  :)
City/State/Country: Arlington, TX.  He's from Houston and I'm from Iowa.
The Best Thing About Being Married? Aside from having a personal chiropractor...I can't come up with anything that doesn't sound
The Worst Thing About Being Married? How about "toughest" instead of "worst."  The toughest thing for me has been adjusting -- just in general -- as far as sharing everything, cooking, cleaning, just responsibilities in general.  I haven't lived with anyone in over 10 years.  It's hard to explain, and hubby doesn't "get it" either.
Anything else you'd like to share: We met Dec. 1, 2006 and got engaged Valentine's Day this year.  It was an amazing proposal...what he said and the fact it was in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

Most people ask about the age difference only if they haven't met us.  Most people think Gary is late 30's, maybe 40, mostly because of the way he acts, I think.  We have people ask what our families think about the age difference, and honestly, no one thinks anything of it (believe me, they WOULD say!)

I don't see a place on here for occupation, so in case anyone cares, I'm a medical transcriptionist.

EDIT:  I left out a couple things. lol   We're looking to buy a house...we're currently crammed in a 2 BR, 2 BA duplex -- actually, he was crowded in here himself and looking for a house when I moved in in February.  Most of my stuff is in storage and we are tripping over each other...and we also have 7 pets between us.  I have a leopard-spotted gecko and 4 guinea pigs, 2 of which he bought for me as babies for my bday in April.  :)   He also built them a huge cage, for which we sacrificed 2 recliners for   He has 2 birds, a conure and an umbrella cockatoo.  :)


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