Oct 04, 2006 21:28
Somewhere on the 'net I found this list of questions to ask once/year. We actually do it twice -- on New Year's Eve and then on our anniversary in August.
1. What could I do to make you feel more loved?
2. What could I do to make you feel more respected?
3. What could I do to make you feel more understood?
4. What could I do to make you feel more secure?
5. What can I do to make you feel more confident in our future direction?
6. What attribute would you like me to develop?
7. What attribute would you like me to help you develop?
8. What achivement in my life would bring ou greatest joy?
9. What would indicate to you that I am trying to be the best person I can be/more Christ-like?
10. What mutual goal would you like to see us accomplish?
Optional -- have I overlooked any question you would like for me to ask?
The nights we review these are very special and meaningful. And after each of these talks our marriage or personal lives seem changed in some ways.
Last year J asked me to try to find my dreams/ambition/inspirations again. I had been fairly depressed and given up on a career. He said that was the attribute he most wanted me to develop -- my passions and career. So... I thought about it a lot and worked on it; his expression of care really meant a lot to me, and was the impetus I needed to get working on it!