Jun 29, 2007 03:45
Today is the first day of my fourth year in Alabama. I moved here June 28th, 2004, and spent my first full day living here the 29th. This state has given me wonderful memories, hard experiences, and has taught me that strength comes through adversity. Thank you to everyone I've met, no matter how big, or small, a role you've played in my life, I appreciate you being there.
It's been a great deal of time since I've talked to many of the friends I've made here, and I'd sure like to know how everyone is doing and what sort of plans they have for their future. It's funny to know that we all came out of the same place, and in many cases have the same experiences, but have become very different, complex people. I know that there are things I've said or done that I regret, but they have made me the person I am, and I know that I've learned from them what is right and what is wrong.
Today I work in a pizza shop. The job isn't glamorous and I'm not particularly proud that I work a job that any idiot could do, but at least I'm making an honest dollar. I currently make the same wage that I did at my last job, where I slaved nearly every day and got no thanks. At least with pizza, I can listen to music that I like and get a few minutes to read a book now and then. I ought to be able to save what I need to make my move on life, and that's a plan I intend to fulfill.
Everyone has goals that they set for themselves and work toward, but I think that we've all realized them in different ways, and certainly at different times. Some of us had them earlier, and others, like myself, have just recently discovered where their priorities lie. What will it take to achieve what we want? The path that we'll follow won't be easy, and may sometimes be covered in thick, metaphorical underbrush, but we have family and friends who can help us find it again.
I'm happy for the first time that I can remember, how are you?
three years in alabama,
long winded