
Aug 11, 2007 20:11

I haven't used that word for so long. I miss it. Kinda.


1. No allergies. I'm like, 2% allergic to maple trees. Haven't seen one in years.
2. No diabetes. Blood sugar normal.
3. No high cholesterol. High triglycerides, but "just eat more fruit" doc said.
4. No thyroid problems.
5. No neurological problems.
6. EKG normal, no heart problems.

There is no big medical reason why when I stand up most of the time I get a stabbing pain in my head. There's no reason big medical for increased vertigo lately. There's no big medical reason why I can be standing in repro working as usual and all of a sudden get flushed, sweaty, dizzy and strange. Fabulous.

UNLESS all this is related to my tonsils being swollen for over four months nonstop.

7. Tonsils coming out on the 5th of September. Trying not to think about it.
8. Going to the beach Aug 30th through Sept 4th. Loving thinking about it.

Got fucked on the hotel rates though. Will do better next time. Plus now mom wants to go. She who would sit in our condo or on the balcony and read instead of even touching the sand, let alone go in the water. She who is on dialysis and needs a fuckton of shit each night. GO FIGURE. Next year we're all going. Planning on a nice condo on the boardwalk. Will be saving my pennies!

9. Watching weather.com's Pain Index to try and keep out of weather migraine territory.

Not a lot you can do if you ONLY get migraines based on weather/barometer. However, if you get migraines from other things, you can minimize the effects by staying away from your other triggers. If it's going to be a 5 or 6, up your protein, lower your sugars, increase water intake. Stay away from strong scents/shampoos/deoderants, wear your sunglasses, make sure you take plenty of breaks from the computer and do neck rolls every couple hours to ease back and neck tension.

10. Work kinda sucks. I think my super expects more from me. I can't understand WHY she caps some words in a report and yet in another she doesn't. I don't understand why she adds so many commas. Her sole job, for the most part, is proofing - I get the editing and repro. So why does she expect me to fucking proof before she gets it as well? Then she wants to know why something takes so long. Also, if it's an email document she'll print and proof the document while I start making formatting changes, and the thing that totally fucking pisses me off is when she forgets this and marks things like "Why are you using this style" or whatever. I'M NOT. I've already got it corrected in MY copy, thanks. God.

11. Am researching weight loss stuff. As in meal plans (Nutrisystem) and such. Pending...
12. ... Getting a driver's license. So that I can...
13. ... Join a place that has a pool and swim my fucking ass off. That's all I want to do. I don't want to do the treadmill, too hard on my heels and knees. Don't want weights. HATE aerobics with a passion. Spinning is right the fuck out too. Just let me get in the water and do what I like best.

And that... is my report... to you.
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