
Jul 01, 2007 20:30

- Effing internet is down more than up. Stupidly cancelled a service call (8-10am SUNDAY) because it started working again. Fucking thing.

- Periods? Suck. Can't wait not to ovulate. Speaking of...

+ Have been sorting and re-sorting my list of Things To Do (Post Job, Post Insurance). It's based on what's annoying me most at any given moment. Obviously that changes a lot. Now that I'm past the ULLD top priority is CONTACTS again.

- Ripped my last pair of contacts (over two/three years old perscription!) the week before signing my letter.

+ Offer came in 3K over what I anticipated/was lead to believe.

- Forgot to factor insurance into budget.

- Withholding at higher rate this year for taxes to get a refund.

- Don't get first paycheck till July 13, and it will only be for one week of pay.

~ Neither pos or neg, the higher offer is negated by the insurance and tax issue, which means I won't see a drastic drop in my pay. Except...

- We're back to twice monthly pays. Actually that's an opt-in thing, called a "pay advance percentage," which I fucking opted for, you betcha. I don't think the non-weekly paychecks will be a problem, once I get used to them.

+ No more going to one bank to cash the paycheck then going to another to deposit cash so I don't have to wait 4 business days for a check to clear!!!!

++ DIRECT DEPOSIT BEETCHES! I never thought I'd miss it.

+ 401K again. Woot. I already have my funds worked out for my Roth, I know what to pay into my LA fund, etc. But that will...

- Hit my paycheck again, taking more out. But hey, matching from employer starting January (forget the percent though), vested after 3 years. Totally doable.

+ After contacts comes the OBGYN for BC pills.

++ I plan to ovulate twice a year. Forfuckingrealz. Utterly sick of this shit.

+ While I'm waiting for the OBGYN visit (why is there always a waiting list when it's ranked #1 even over dentists as we avoid?!) I'm going to see the doctor. About the diabetes thing, about Vaniqua, about the tonsils.

- Still no pool. Why? Yard is just.... uneven.

- Dave threw out back hardcore yesterday (Friday?). He was crying. I was like, well shit, stop being such a fucking baby! I mean, it's not like we were IGNORING your phone call for help, mom and I were both in the bathroom shitting. Christ. Give us some response time.

- So no pool yet, and he was getting almost close to getting the dirt out and having it level :(

- Dog had surgery to remove and biopsy some lumps. Plus to see what's up with her hips/legs. Poor thing. Expensive though, so we're all pitching in on costs.

- While I know what I WANT to do, I have to wait till August to really play with my money. I want to see what my regular pay will be like.

+++ I was reading a book the other day, Stephen King, short stories, haven't read it all the way through before, but I've had it for... years. I turn the page and BAM, $20 bill falls out! I'm like, what!? It was very surreal feeling. I remember hiding money in another book a long time ago, but I cashed out that cash for the LA move. I don't recall hiding it in this book or WHY. Keep reading, ten pages later, BAM, another $20. I was like SWEET.

+ I'm still loving the Bare Minerals, especially for a foundation, but I want to check out the new glosses and tints that are coming out for lips. Almay, Neutrogena, etc. Still haven't switched from my old Covergirl blush either. Hey, it works, it looks natural on my ghost skin, whatevs. I just can't decide on a $16 tub of blush through BM, you know?

+ I've moved to using Oil of Old Lady daily wipes (pre moistened, no rinsing/splashing, yay!) AND a Oil of Old Lady cream cleanser in the shower, as well as my moisturizer. I don't feel as dry any more, but... fuck I'm getting old.

+ In my dorktasticness, I have decided to create a spreadsheet for the items I read in Allure that I want to buy. Makeup, skin products, hardware, whatever. Because I want to remember to try these things (one item per month as a treat) and I want to keep track when to expect them in stores. I read about a nail polish line, looked in stores weekly, didn't show up in stores for a year. PISSED. Will research to see if these things are out yet.

+ Speaking of not out, I ordered in May some new vibrators. STILL HAVENT ARRIVED. Hello backorder. The free gift showed up right away, and sucked horribly. I could get more vibration from humming. Christ. One won't ship till end of July, the other should be shipping on Monday. WTF.

+++ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHERRY! Without internet, my alerts don't alert me. Expect things soon. Also happy birthday to the boy. I can't believe he's that old either. Shit.

I'm sure I'll think of more. Hopefully the net will be up and I won't be curled around a heating pad sobbing this week and can be online. :)
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