I don't *need* to watch The O.C., but it makes me happy.

Jul 18, 2005 15:23

Diane asked me for music and movies, so, since I've been gone for so long I figured I'd just list some awesome stuff that I love right now.  Maybe it'll give a little grounds for talking...
  1. House, M.D. on Fox.  It's simply spectacular.  Hugh Laurie plays this cranky middle-aged doctor with a bum leg and a vicodin addiction.  He's very...not easy to get along with and is very, very smart.  To me that is sexy.  He's got a best friend in the cancer business and three young doctor cronies that follow him around and make him do things.  He listens to very excellent music on an old record player and has a liking for soap operas.  My subject line is from House.
  2. Grey's Anatomy on ABC.  Something about these doctor shows this season...This one is about surgical residents at Seattle General.  Meredith (the daughter of a reknowned surgeon), Izzie (the ex model), and George (the self-conscious mediocre surgeon) live together in Meredith's altzheimers-ridden ex-surgeon mother's house.  Cristina and Alex are their equals.  Their boss is a "nazi" and there are affairs all over the place.  Some ending up in the syph.
  3. Brat Camp on ABC.  No kidding.  I like to watch it because it reminds me of my cousin who is a complete asshole.  He should be sent to Brat Camp.  I imagine him as that tough kid...What a jackass.  The blonde stoner cracks me  up and Jada needs to get a grip.
  4. Entourage on HBO.  I bought the first season on a whim and it cracks me up.  Let's hug it out, bitch.  Hug it out.
  5. Dead Like Me on something...I bought this after hearing that people liked it.  It's got my kind of dark, nasty humor.  About an 18 year old girl that dies and becomes a grim reaper. 
  6. The Pacifier with Vin Diesel.  I am so not even kidding.  My sister and I think this is our new favorite movie.  It's really funny, actually and Vin Diesel doesn't make you want to throw up the whole time because he acts so awkward around the kids so naturally.  Really good.  Haha.
  7. The Jacket with Keira Knightley and Adrien Brody, my favorite ever.  Adrien is an out of combat soldier who gets put in an insane asylum that uses some unorthodox techniques to "cure" him.  Instead it sends him into the future so that he can investigate his own death.
  8. Hide and Seek with Robert Deniro and Dakota Fanning.  Creepy with kids is enough creepy for me. 
  9. Un long dimanche de fiançailles with Audrey Tautou and a bit of Jodie Foster.  A French film about a woman searching for her fiancee who was reported killed in action during WWI.  It's like a darker version of Amelie.
  10. The Magdelene Sisters is about a girl's workhouse in England. 
  11. M.I.A. - Arular is one of the things I'm currently playing on my iPod.  It's like...hiphop-y, I guess?  Apparently her father was a rebel in the Tamil army in Sri Lanka.  I am trying not to read to much into it, because I really just like her stuff and I'm not going to get tied down about politics.  Plus, I downloaded her CD, anyway, so it's not like I'm funding terrorism or something.
  12. Anna Nalick - Wreck of the Day.  My sister gets me to listen to this constantly and I've finally fallen for it. 
  13. Annie - Anniemal.  Some European pop singer.  I like her stuff alright, I suppose.
  14. Gorillaz - Demon Days.  I first got into the Gorillaz when I was visiting family in England.  I like this album about ten times more than the self-titled.  I can never get "Feel Good, Inc." out of my head thanks to those iPod commercials.
  15. HotHotHeat - Elevator. 
  16. Biggest Brother: The Life of Major Dick Winters; the Man Who Lead the Band of Brothers - Larry Alexander.  I love WWII history and this is like a new book written by a reported for the Lancaster Times about Maj. Dick Winter's life.  He was first written about in Stephen E. Ambrose's Band of Brothers and was later played by Damian Lewis in the miniseries of the same name.  This man is one of my inspirations.  He seems like he would be a great man.
  17. The Princess Bride: S Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure - William Goldman. Soooooo much better than the movie.  It's a lot of fun to read and really confusing...I don't really know what to believe half the time. 
  18. Be and Do - A. C. Ping.  Two adorable little self-reflection books.
  19. I LIKE BOYS- David Sedaris.  A short story about David and his sister's visit to Greek camp.
  20. Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules- David Sedaris, editor.  A book of short stories introduced by David Sedaris.
  21. And lastly, the thing that makes my entire summer worth living, SHARK WEEK on Discovery Channel.  This year it's hosted by Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters.  Sharpedos...yum.

I know I've read a lot more books, but I can't think of any!  Right now I'm reading Haunted by Joyce Carol Oates.  It's very, very bizarre.  It's a book of twisted short stories...And of course, I read Half Blood Prince in nine hours and I knew who the HBP was allll along and that I wasn't spoiled about!  Unfortunately, someone put up a scan of one of the last few pages of HBP on the found_objects community, just to be a bastard.  Some people are so low...Today I got the Audiobook for $40 at the wholesale store.  That's pretty sweet.  They usually cost $75.

mythbusters, nerd, lists, music, david sedaris, movies, hp, television, grey's anatomy, house

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