(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 01:35

i know i suck at posting but i just been busy with life right now. mucho apologies. I write today because i am so sad at the nature of things. While usually I go about my day as a complete asshole, dishing out hatred without abandon (its all lighthearted, hatred...? yeah..that doesn't make any sense. hm.), i sit here and think about all the ugly in the world. I know if you do that you'll become overwhelmed with grief because there is probably more anger than love, more pain than joy, more fucked up shit that pangs the human soul. I accept this. I am cynical by nature (even though I never fully grasped how to spell cynical. and definitely choose not to look it up either. call me a rebel.) and perhaps pessimissm comes along with that, but I am not one of those half glass full sorta girls-and thats ok for me. By this point i know how horribly depressing i am, so the fact that i feel truly affected actually surprises me. I was talking with a friend of mine last night and she told me about the John Hopkins fiasco and I just felt completely hurt. Surprise. The details are listed in the link, but apparently some asinine Frassholes decided their Halloween party would be special if they decided to run with a "Halloween in the Hood" theme. This included the usual "lets dress like black people" attire, along with a bought skeleton dressed in ratty clothes hung on a noose. All this occuring in "the HIV pit" their reference to baltimore. You walked in the party greeted by white people dressed as pimps, hoes and slaves, all with feigned gunshots that rung sweetly in the background.

This entire story makes me sick. While the idea of the affair isn't particularly new, it's the level of distaste and the frequency of these parties that are disturbing. White people's fascination with black culture is hardly anything of a debate. I can witness it at anytime by tuning into any of the national networks and experiencing THEIR take on MY culture. I can see overly animated characters who speak exaggerated ebonics and emphasize a lack of goals, ambitition or values. I can see white students walk on campus or in my hometown sporting fitted caps and spouting the latest jim jones song in a drunken stupor (BALLIN!). HOWEVER, it's this personal attack on black culture and black people as a whole that has my panties in a twist. WTF Sigma Chi? As if daddy's connections isn't satisfying enough. As if pretty cars, alcohol addictions and a cocky attitude isn't enough to hold them over. Did they run out of girls to rape? Sure I'm overgeneralizing this fraternities character, but didn't they to the black race? Oh wait, to do this I would have to assume that this Sigma Chi had character. How can someone be so reckless, to feel that this behavior is ok? How can someone fall into this mentality? After this I opened up a new window and I was greeted by Urban Dictionary with the definition of nigger.
An offensive word used to describe black people. These particular black people cry about slavery (160+ years after it ended), act like the world owes them everything for such injustices they faced (even though Jews & Native Americans had it far worse). They murder they english language in every chance they get. They think that every White woman in the world wants to fuck them rather than a White man. They think that just because someone is black, this means they are automatically stronger than every White person in the world (though if you look in the UFC and places of the like, blacks are few & far between). They would rather sit and bitch about how "whitey" is holding them down, than to actually take responsibility for their own problems and try to make the world a better place. They think that being the godforsaken scum of the earth (i.e. crackhead) is somehow the cool thing to do

What is wrong with people??? And this is how real life people feel. It's just disheartening and it hurts. It hurts that a stupid fraternity felt it was ok to "playfully" stage a lynching. I saw the thumbnail but I was too upset to open it. I couldn't. I stared at it and felt shaken to my core. BUT WAIT, IT'S WITH SKELETON IT'S JUST A JOKE! The nerve of these people. Because I'm sure if i playfully put a skeleton with a star of david in my fisher price oven it all would be ok. And racism doesn't exist? I love how the constant argument for slavery is that it happen all so long ago. But these ignorant people don't know that the effects of slavery is still felt today. They don't know that there are structural barriers set in place so it's thatmuch harder for a black kid in the suburbs to make it let alone one who is impoverished. People are always willing to talk about things they're not even fully informed of. Sure slavery happened over a century ago, but black people were not granted their rights but 40 years ago-and that's just on the books. Just because there's a law against theft doesn't mean robbery ceases to exist.

And you know what the sweet part is, it took a protest from the damn Black Student Union to bring this to light. And the punishment? A suspention and diversity training.

...Yeah I felt the same way.
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