Jul 19, 2009 18:27
a partial overview of laryssa's time away thus far:
sweet ride to nelson from really nice guy on an online rideshare board.
nelson: fucking beautiful, full of beaches, wonderful friendly people.
ali, meghan, laryssa, reunited again!
first night out together: drinks, barhopping all over town, befriending the dj and bartender of a place and getting invited in after closing. hanging out and drinking free drinks.
a revival of meghan and laryssa's tradition of wrestling when drunk: i got slammed and definitely lost this round.
etc, etc, still up and on a little red sand beach by railroad tracks at 7am.
some really sweet dinners out.
ali and laryssa take on the starbelly jam festival outside nelson for a day!
hitching everywhere, taking a ferry across the kootney lake, never waiting more than five minutes for a ride!
daytime activities: getting bitten by mosquitoes, getting sunburned, getting bitten by mosquitoes, drinking endless amounts of beer, chilling and watching some sweet music acts.
the festival by day: rather mellow and overrun by families with small children. no drinking, no drugs.
the festival by night: a raging debaucherous dance party. holy fuck played and they were just incredible.
and jesus, the afterparty! hitched a ride to some beach outside the festival, and there's just throngs of people going totally mental. so much dancing! amazing djs playing all night: STILL playing (and people were still dancing!) when we left the party at nine in the morning. campfires all over the beach. new friends. quite literally no sleep.
today: recovery. another beach, a little hair of the dog, an free and easy hitch ferry and jump back into nelson.
tonight: definitely a little more chill.
CONCLUSION: i'm pretty well stoked on my life. i am a little lacking in energy today. i can't be bothered to string together a paragraph right now.
more news later, lovelies!
oh PS i got the job i wanted picking cherries north of kelowna! i've got good facilities and i'm five minutes walk from the lakefront. i know about the wildfires in that area but at least as of now, there's no concern for the area i'll be in. i'm going there tomorrow and i'll start picking the next day. will be meeting my new picking friend kirstin there.