Jul 21, 2008 04:23
and so why bother wasting U PPLZ preshus time w/ a SRS B!zness update when I CAN DOES SURVAIS INSTED---->>>>>
1. What do you have as your cell phone ring right now? omg the fucking epic fail default HERRO MOTO ringtone because i AM FILING PAPERS TO DIVORCE MY PHONE V. SOON but until then i just like to pretend its not actually my phone because im embarrassed by it and therefore wish to customize it as LIL' as possible KTHX
2. What was your favorite Christmas gift this year? i dont know D:
3. Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? LOL shit it out into a toilet prollz?
4. What is in your freezer? LOL ice cube trays and thomas's english muffins (i got 2 packages but one of them is still in the fridge LULZ)
5. How many songs do you have on your computer/iPod, etc? Omg child, why would you ever ask me that question =/ Im scared to even know how LONG it would take me to give you an accurate answer to that, nevermind to know WHAT that answer would be. lsdfkajaflsdjksdf
6. If fanny packs were cool, what color would you have? Is cameltoe considered a shade?
7. What do you hate about your job? Um like nothing actually? honestly the *worst* thing is the commute and fuck its not even that bad cuz im a fag and actually look forward to going to work D:
8. When was the last time you rode in a school bus? LOL What. err well not since high school, and the last official time being for track meets since i stopped taking the bus to actually get to & from school when i was a senior and could IRL drive :X
9. If you could only drink one alcoholic beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be? OMG GREY GOOSE the end
10. If you could pick one facial feature to be bigger, what would it be? What? How many facial features are there that would even make sense to be enlarged? I mean logically speaking the only one i could think of is lips? who the fuck ever asks for a forehead/cheeks/nose/eye/eyebrow/chin/WTF ELSE IS THERE? - related extension????? o.O
11. What would you make for someone the first time you cooked for them? oh dear fucking god dont ask me that. it just makes me feel even more FULL OF FAIL about cooking than i already know i am =/
12. Which of your exes had the best hair? LOL What kind of question is that besides ones that only IRL fags would care about answering.
13. What's the first thing you do when you get into the shower? GET WET even tho i dont need to be in the shower for that to occur LOLOLOLOLMATURITY~*~*~*~
14. Favorite body part to get massaged? y do u have to pick favorites how boutz URRWHERE?
15. How's your relationship with your parents? In high school it was like LSD:FKJSLGKHDSLKF , or at least it was with my mom , but now i think as of late it's getting a bit better D:
16. What was the first job you had where you got a paycheck? LMAO, OCEAN STATE fucking JOB LOT. ~*o the memoriez*~
17. How many different addresses have you had? um i guess if u count my frosh year dorm room and the two apartments AND cape house in addition to my parents house then that adds up to 5? i mean as long as the criteria 4 determining such = that uve had shit mailed to there without it being sketchy? LOL
18. What is your least favorite chore? prolls shoe shopping {yes this is a chore}
19. What is your favorite underwear material? skin? LMAO
20. What does your every day purse/wallet look like? um its actually KIND OF full of win due to the fact that it is denim + therefore just looks like my jeans so if u see it coming out of my back pocket its like AN EPIC BLEND OF CONCEALED MONEY AND CONCEALED ASS
21. What is the age range of someone you would date? Idk prolly 18 is the lowest and that would only be 1 year younger, and maybe like 25 at the highest? but if it was in the 23-25 range you would prolls have to be like I HAVE A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION OF 10 RLY GOOD RIEZENZ 2 DATE ME otherwise id prolly be like LOLNOTHX 2 OLD 4 ME
22. What is your exercise routine? sitting and standing, REPEAT
23. What is your favorite restaurant and your favorite thing to order there? iunno i just like eating in general WHY DO U HAS 2 PIQUE FAVEZ???
25. Describe your hottest co-worker. what they're like older than me by a lot D: except for annoyingvoicedhotgirl but she like inexplicably disappeared so LOL IDK U GUYS
26. When did you smoke your last cigarette? Um like earlier tonight cuz i was like LETZ HAVE WINE AND A CLOVE FOR +100 SCENE PTS
27. Did/do your parents smoke? LOL well u c, la mamma smoked for LESS THAN THIRTY SECONDS in her youth and my dad was like [Apparently, Source Missing Citation] a smoker for the duration of his COLLeGiAte*YeArS but quit after that? but as far as ALTERNATIVE EXPLORATIONS IN THE SMOKING DEPARTMENT GOES well it would be like BURIED FOR INACCURACY to say that my dad doesnt still dilly dally in that department. ROFL.
[1] What color are your nails? LOL ME? Painting my nailz???!? that would imply that i dont bite my nails and they are therefore actually long enough to paint :X wahhhhhh MAYBE ONE DAY :(
[2] Is there anything you [almost] always have in your pocket? no...i usually only carry shit out with me if its a necessity to bring, so depending on what im doing it varies THARFORE MEANING that theres never one consistent thing KTHX
[3] Does your best friend have their ears pierced? the fuck kind of question is that?
[4] What make is your phone? the ONLY thing my phone is made of is 100% FAIL
[5] What color is the on button on your calculator? a calculator? wutz dat? Ur assuming that i ackshully have the L33T MATH KNOWLEDGE + SKILLZ required to use a calculator for things other than figuring out what 35 minus 7 is (AND I USE GOOGLE FOR THAT, THANK U V. MUCH)
[6] What is your favorite drug? LOL
[7] Are any of your real life friends MySpace whores? LOL well, not ppl that r my friendz anymore~*~
[8] What color is your purse, or bag? Purse? bag? LOL only quitters that happen to have vaginas own those. And only one of those two things applies to me.
[9] Are you tired of people asking if you're excited for school? did like a freshman thing write this survey during their college orientation? wtfz
[10] Is there anything weird you keep from every event like a souvenir, and collect them? um no?
[11] What is bus fare, for you, where you live? LOLZ mmmm hunnn T passes are $60/month or u can pay $2 per ride if ur a tourist faggot. ZEXY!
[12] What color are the taxis where you are from? Hmm, ive seen white yellow and red ones in boston so IDK WAT TO TELL U MAN.
[13] Last person you saw with a tongue ring? "SHUT THE FUCK UP" bahahaha
[14] Do you think girls with tongue rings are slutty? PROLLYZ LMAO
[15] Do you think guys with tongue rings are weird? no they prolly just work at hottopic and cut themselves when their shift is over LOL
[16] How long until your birthday? Um like 5 months D: UNTIL THEN I AM STILL A TEENAGER KTHX. OR IF U WANT TO GET SPECIFIC: I FELT YOU IN MY LEGS, BEFORE I EVER MET YOU dshafhsdhahahahaha
[17] Do you get called cute or hot more often? Wtf
[18] When was the last time you were at work? Friday...?
[20] What color is the last sharpie you used? MAfuckingGENTA
[21] How many belts do you own? who the fux counts belts D:
[22] The first four letter word you see that is not on this screen? SONY and wow can we talk about how it took me like 2 minutes to find anything at all that was four letters D: THAT WAS A MEANSPIRITED QUESTION SINCE IM STILL UNPACKING SHIT :/
[23] How many pictures are on your computer that were taken on May 26th? I'm not checking.
[24] Do you ever write on the chairs on the bus? lolwut.
[25] Do you know anyone with the same first name as your middle name? LOL YA MY MOM , TROO FACT.
about your bedroom.
1. How many windows do you have? threeeee! and theyre big!
2. Do you have an air conditioner or a fan? both biatchhh
3. What size bed do you have? queeeen
4. When was the last time you gave your room a makeover? LOL IN THE PROCESS RITE NOW due to the fact that i kind of just moved in to it D:
5. Do you have a TV in your room? mhmm
6. How about any gaming systems (i.e. Wii, PlayStation)? just a ps2 cuz im a hardcore gamer like that
7. Do your windows have curtains? ya
8. Are you happy with the size of your room? quite.
9. How much time do you spend in your room daily? well right now its basically the only place i am besides work cuz i really want to unpack as much shit as possible in the shortest amount of time possible so itll be pretty and yayyy
10. Do you get ready in your room or your bathroom? um boths?
11. Do you have a stereo, iHome, etc.? mhmmmmm and its zexy and SO SCARILY LOUD LOL SORRY TO WHOEVER LIVES BELOW ME :X DONT HATE ME
12. Are you in your room right now? ya
13. How big is your closet? iunno but altho there are no clothes in it yet it will probably be big enough to hold all my shirts, amazingly. and i have A LOT OF CLOTHES so that IS saying something even tho its not that amazingly big of a closet.
14. Do you have a clothes hamper in your room? i have clothes hampers, yes, but i havent actually brought them over to my new apartment yet. SOON GAIZ.
15. How many dressers do you have? one
16. How many posters do you have and of what? omg i literally have an ENTIRE GIANT TUPPERWEAR THING that is longer than my coffee table FULL of POSTERS :( its going to take forever to decide which ones to actually put up and MOREVER the physical process of hanging them will take even longer D:
17. Does your room have a door that locks? Erm well....It depends on what you consider a room w/ a door that locks...I mean haha i guess technically the door u use to access my room in the first place is the front door which obviously has locks LOL and i mean since i dont share my room with anyone i guess that's solid enough to pass for a "room w/a locking door," LOL.
18. Do you have to share a room with anyone else? LULZ NO~*~DATZ KIND OF THE PT. OF A STUDIO APT KTHX
19. Do you charge your cell phone, iPod, etc. in your room? um where else would i charge it lmao
20. When you have sleepovers do you sleep in your room? ROFL
21. On what floor of your house is your room on? um the first floor? Lol sooo much of an improvement over the FUCKING FIFTH FLOOR SANS ELEVATOR D:
22. Is your computer in your room? it can be if it wants to be but um, seeing how its a laptop...kind of portable...sooo...LOL
23. Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room? Lmao um whatever else id need to be doing while im at home? what the fuck kind of question is this.
24. Do you even sleep in your room? NO, THIS IS SOMETHING I NEVER DO~
25. Does your room have a garbage can? ya?
26. Do you have any religious objects in your room? LOLWUT nothx
27. What color is your floor and walls? ZEXY WHITE WALLS (thx rented propertiez <3) and wood floors
28. Do you have a skylight? lol not in my apartment, at home yez~*
29. Is your bedroom on the same floor as any other bedrooms? LOLWUT? no...?
30. Do you have a desk in your room? yepperzzz