This morning I am starting off with some black coffee, one egg, one slice of bacon, and sliced sweet potato. I making some meat muffs as well. Some changes to the meat muff recipe:
-use frozen onions (boy does that save time! and tears!!)
-nuke the spinach for just a bit (1-2 min) to thaw (or even after thawed) - this makes the draining step much easier
-use combination of sausage and beef
-throw in additional spices
My issues with the muffs are they stick to the pan. Last time I "coated" the muffin tin with coconut oil. This helped, but they still refuse to "pop" out of the pan.
de23 What do you use? Your silicone pan may work much better than my metal one.
Last Sunday, feeling all peppy after mass (and a beautifully clear day), I dressed for a quick-ish run. We were meeting family at 11:30 for lunch and I could get in 3-3.5 with plenty of time to freshen up after the run. I walk out to the cul-de-sac, take about four steps and my ankle gives out and (as P stated) I Superman into the asphalt. DAMN!! You know, it's not like I was running to get a chocolate cake. This was EXERCISE! Why, why, why, why??? (not really ankle, but not sure how to explain - kinda those tendons that connect your foot to the bottom of your leg - just stopped working)
Even though I had on leggins and a long-sleeve microfiber (or whatever the heck it's called) shirt, my knee was hamburger and my arm all scuffed up, both hands were cut, and I was sorely embarrassed. Fortunately, P was there to see the entire crash. I had just left the house, told John and the MIL that I was going out. 30 seconds later I was back in the house telling them of my face plant. How annoying!!
As odd as it is, I still went on the run. I walked a little , but still finished in o.k. time. My neighbor and I were supposed to run Mon. morning. I was willing, but she bailed. She bailed on me Tue. morning, too. (I don't need much to get off track) After much berrating and chastising, she was happy to meet me Wed. morning. The knee was fine. Probably a good thing we didn't go the other mornings. We ran Fri. as well. I still have a giant scab and my pants annoy my knee. Oh, well.
The previous week I had a stomach something - not sure what it was - felt nauseous, never vomited, ran a fever. So that was two weeks of not so terrific exercising. There had been a little talk of doing the Country Music Half Marathon at the end of April. I was exactly on track to be able to make the 12-week training plan work for me. Probably wouldn't have felt great doing it, but I was letting my frustration of not participating in 2011 cloud my perspective.
In 2011 I trained for 14-15 weeks, stuck to the plan, completed 10 miles 2 weeks before the Half, and then was hurt. I didn't know I had a broken hip until about 10 days AFTER the Half. My plan was to try. It more than likely would have been very painful and I would have damaged my leg more. One of my friends, the one who had convinced me to begin training for it, participated in the Half even though she had fallen off the wagon with her training (basically had done NOTHING). Every time I see the 13.1 sticker on the back of her car, I am so mad about the whole experience! She walked most of it and only ran a little, but I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!
The anger was clouding my sensibilities about my health - physical and mental - as it pertains to being ready this April. Being sick the last two weeks has made me put off a Half until later in the year. One of my goals was to do one BEFORE turning 45 (eegads - can it even be true!?!?!?!). The Ladies Half Marathon is scheduled for Sept. 28, 2013 (four days after the dreaded deadline).
Today Neighbor and I were going to yoga. I've only had one experience with yoga - and that was thanks to
de23 in January. She almost killed me. As a side note, my thumb still has issues from attempting to spot her (even though she clearly didn't need it). Neighbor texted to let me know her back is bothering her and she's out for the yoga. I had prepared myself mentally for it, even figured out what to wear so that when I bend over, my rolls wouldn't show. Maybe next week.
Back to the foodie portion of the post...
I have been very on track with the Whole 30/40 for Lent. Since I was sick Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, I wasn't able to enjoy Fat Tuesday (but did have Fat Saturday, Sunday, and Monday), but fasting on Ash Wednesday was easy.
Before Lent began, I planned to do the Whole 30 (40 - since there are 40 days in Lent) with the stipulation that I am not giving up caffeine or alcohol. O.K., then maybe you say I'm not doing the real Whole 30. I agree. The caffeine issue - just not ready. I used to RARELY drink caffeine. Now that I'm a coffee lover, just not ready to give it up. One Lent I gave up coffee - did fine except for the excrutiating headaches the first few days. I probably wouldn't have the same reaction now. At that time I was drinking coffee ALL day long and even making a pot in the evenings. The alcohol - look, I've given up alcohol plenty of times between Lent and being pregnant. Just not interested in doing it now. I am not having anything to drink unless there is a group gathering. Meaning, not having a beverage during the week or even the weekend if it's just John and me hanging out. When his mom was here last week, I had scotch, three of them, on two different occassions. I'm o.k. with that. I may have some tequila today if I meet up with some friends at a Mex restaurant. If we met somewhere else, I would opt for vodka. I'll attempt to keep my consumption to a minimum - learning once again from
One of my big snack go to items has been pistachios. I am attempting to minimize them because I know they are loaded with fat. I'm also limiting the number of walnut muffins - only taking one or two to work. I'm feeling better - more energy, no crash in the afternoon, and waking up easily in the mornings. My body is changing - like I noticed there's actually a waist underneath all of this protective covering. Still haven't minimized the "tire." Hate the tire!! When I weighed Fri., I had lost 2 lbs. since the last time I had weighed (I think 7-10 days prior). There is still a LONG, LONG way to go - like 40-50 lbs., but I'm moving in the right direction.
I started this post around 7:30 this morning. It's now 1:00. Made the meat muffs. This time I made some as muffins (flat on top) and some as kind of meatballs. The meatballs turned out better - didn't stick to the pan and generally held together better when cooling. I threw in some additional spices and they are quite good! Having two now for lunch. May top off with a walnut muffin. Having coffee and water. (yes, coffee)
What am I doing with this extra energy? Just cleaned out my side of the closet. WOW what a chore! I even tried on clothes (ugh!). A few clothes fit that hadn't and some are now not fitting right (kinda weird baggy), so I ditched them. I started with one bag and then filled a second. Hope House comes by once a month or so and collects clothing and home goods for support of women leaving domestic violence situations. I think they are legit. I looked them up when they first contacted me. Not sure if they sell the items to make money for the people or if they give them the items. Regardless, someone else can use them and I don't need them. Some of the clothes even had tags on them. Sadly, they are ones I'm not in yet. I bought them in '08 when I lost a bunch of weight. Sure, I may (will?) reach that weight and could wear them again, but now I don't really like them - pattern, wide legs, shows too much arm, ... I wore a new pair of pants yesterday and was very happy about that! I purchased them a smidge snug and they fit well yesterday! I didn't really have the best shoes for them, so shopping will be in order (hate shopping!).
SPN update - P and I are up to 6:12. We watched 6:11 Thurs. night. I may need to re-watch as I was somewhat distracted. Hate when that happens. I would like to be able to multi-task during this show, but worried I'll miss a funny phrase or a plot element. And P REFUSES to re-wind. If we watch on the Xbox, I can't figure out the controller quickly enough. Guess I'll re-watch by myself. Not happy with Sam, planning to tolerate him for now. REALLY would like
dombede to catch up to us. I think he is ready for 6:8.
Having issues with age. Glad I'm doing these healthy things now. Wish I had done them sooner - still believe youth is wasted on the young people. Am I really 5 1/2 years away from 50?? I know age supposedly is a state of mind, but there are some truths that cannot be denied.
If I don't do it now, I never will! What is IT? EVERYTHING I've ever wanted to do. Twenty years from now, I will be the age my father was when he died. Does anyone else remember how quickly the last 20 years have gone?!?! What year was that? Don't do the math. just think, when was 20 years ago. I'd like to think it was 1984, maybe 1988. BUT NO, the year was 1993. OMG - I just realized that was when gateslacker got married. (for some reason, I couldn't plug in as lj user). That also was the year I was a drunk - officially. There were about 6-8 weeks that I had a drink EVERY SINGLE DAY. Now, I didn't get drunk all of those days, but I sure did consume a lot of alcohol. That was a very weird year for me. I also think it was dombede's novitiate - or something like that. Kinda felt very detatched from everyone - across the board.
Reminds me - at some point I plan to post about Dec. 2nd and my thoughts over the years.
Clearly this post is much too long for anyone to really read, but I have enjoyed writing it and hope to enjoy reading it a few years from now.