Things That Make Vacations Awesome:

Aug 10, 2008 21:29

* Having no schedule
* Hanging out with cool people all day
* Playing lots of card and board games with above stated people
* Drinking
* Dancing
* Singing
* Fencing
* Meeting lots of new people while doing the above 4 things
* Getting pretty new larp clothes
* Stabbing Graham

All in all Pennsic was waaay better than last year. I think it's because I was there for a week instead of 4 days. Also, I did Pennsic my own way, and did not try to make myself enjoy the party scene there (which is generally a bit over the top for me to be comfortable). Learning English country dancing was a lot of fun, despite the fact that our teacher was a super nerd. I did not know that dance nerds could exist. But oh, they do.
The best part was definitely the fencing, though. On Tuesday we all went and got equipment, and were trying to figure out how to get into the stabbing people scene without getting in trouble, since technically we weren't qualified to fight. Halfway through Wednesday Graham and I just happened to ask just the right person how to put the safety tips on our swords - one second she was telling us to use electrical tape, and the next we found ourselves on the field getting introduced to a bunch of the best fencers and getting a play by play on the Championship Tourney that was going on. The next day we got lessons from a bunch of awesome people, including several that practice in Boston twice a week.
Hopefully we can stick with it. It is a lot of fun, even if I have to unlearn a lot of habits from foil fencing in high school (you can use your offhand to parry, and attack everywhere, not just the torso. And there are THREE DIMENSIONS. Who knew?)

If I actually went to every sport like thing I'm supposed to, I would be unstoppable. I won't, cause I actually like hanging out with people every once in a while. But the thought is there!
Monday - Kung Fu; Tuesday - Soccer; Wednesday - Kung Fu; Thursday - Fencing; Friday - Kung Fu; Saturday - Kung Fu; Sunday - Soccer and Fencing.
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