A non larp weekend?

Jun 01, 2008 13:43

Pure craziness!
Also, I am bored, thus the random LJ post. I should be catching up on sleep, but for once in my life, sleep eludes me. I don't know how to deal with this!

BMNs are awesome. I am sad that I have only ever made it to two of them. They have climbed high in my priorities list, though, so that number will increase soon. Perhaps at a rate of about once a month. Also, good job to (almost) everyone there for knowing whose side you should be on in the battle that ensued. The rest of you, I'm sure you'll learn soon enough.
Girls' Night Out is also awesome. If there was ever a group of women I was confident walking the streets of Hartford with, it's Karen, Jolene, Meg, Angela, and WP. We need to do this again, with more girls. Or even a repeat of the first one, with Thai food and card games. Larp season is almost over, so get on it!

On another note, I have officially gotten rid of Poop Cat. She was too much, and on Thursday I brought her to a very nice shelter in Boston. The cats there all of kitty condos, and a lot of them get to hang out in rooms together with squishy chairs and hanging cat beds and crazy things like that. I am sad that she is gone, but it is a major relief. I should never have taken her in in the first place. Now is not a time for Whitney to have pets (especially incontinent ones). So I shall have to live vicariously through Sternbergia. But one day! Kittens and lizards everywhere!
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