Jun 08, 2006 18:57
It's amazing what miracles God has in store for you. I felt like a little girl again, feigning disinterest in the yummy treat my Father holds in His hands, pretending I don't want, or need it. But He knows me well, and soon I'm back by His side, tugging on His sleeve, asking for the sweets in exchance for a hug and a kiss from my pasaway self. And He, being my most gracious and loving Father, gives me the exact amount of whatever it is I need at exactly the right moment.
Wierd ba? That's just how it feels, really. I chose to start my fifth year (yep, not so proud of it, but hey, things happen for a reason) right, with baby steps, slow yet steady. So far, so good. I've already been able to testify to God's awesome grace and faithfulness, and it's only my third day! I am in awe.
Meanwhile, Spanish is great. Our profe is new, and she really lets us recite, like, talk to one another in Spanish. I hope I do better this time. Heehee! Tinate, remember you love me...*sheepishgrin* Plus, my Philo prof is ultra cool. She hates noise, any kind, so she encourages us to either draw, doodle, or - get this - nap! hahaha! Just remain quiet daw. also, she's requiring us to watch the LOTR Trilogy, which I've avoided doing since it came out because Gollum freaks me to tears (literally!). As for my majors, well, they seem fun enough. I'll be studying Exceptional Psych (mental retardation, autism, children wiht special needs and disabilities, that sort of thing), Developmental Reading and Measurement and Evaluation for Testing and Assessment. Roar, here's praying I don't lose focus.
That's it so far, though I miss my blockmates to bits. I'm so proud of them though, most of them have already landed teaching jobs, some with advisory classes even, in schools such as Ateneo, Assumption, Xavier and Montessori. Praise God!
Time to make new memories. =)