(no subject)

May 10, 2004 12:24

Mann, last weekend was really worthy, seriously! Lemme say something about what I had been doing with Megan all the weekend, Friday, Saturday and last SUNDAY! -Last Friday night my friends, Megan, Ambie, and I went to Kyle's home right after meeting Ryan and Brian somewhere in Fallbrook and picking some stuff up; then, we chilled there at Kyle's home and it was great to see him, April, Joel and others, again. In a couple of hours later, Fadi pager kyle and said he couldn't drive because of no insurance. Megan ended-up like tell Fadi that I am willing to pick him up, Kyle was like you sure? I was like of course, thats so her! All of the sudden, we wanted to bong one good hit until we satisfied before picking Fadi up. So, We went straight to Fadi's house to pick him up late in the night, and went back to Kyle's house. All of us bonged all the night and caught up with a lot of news, which was really, really good time. It was really great to see him again, though. -Last Saturday, Megan, and her couple of friends went to my home to pick me and Amy Dearing, my roommate, up because Megan couldn't wait until 9 or 10ish in the night to see me because I told her to wait till later in the night, I will meet u there at the party. She was all like NOOO! I wanna see u now because I am not feeling good myself. I was like oh no, not again! She always knew she would feel better if I am there with her. That's how she is as always. So, she came over and picked us up; as a result, Judith, Joseph and their daughter just stopped by my home out of pink while we were about leaving, but I was like...... just let us stay for a short while to catch up with a new with them before going to the party because it was still early in the night that time. So, we chilled and caught up news for a while. Megan complained by saying, "I wanna go to the party, now." I was like.. Mann, its still early to go to party, just shut up till I let u know its time to go! She was like.. aww, okay. In about one hour later, we finally got ready to leave after Judith and Joseph were ready to leave back to home. So, we just finally left and took some good hits before arriving the party. We arrived there and waited for more others to come; more others finally arrived. However, Brian O'hara was all like.. I wanna take some shots now because I didn't feel like waiting longer. Wanna take some shots?! I was like sure sure, I wud like to. So, we took some shots right after he bought a good acohol, which was 101 proof. That was HIGH proof, mann! I took 6 shots with Brian O'hara. We ended-up really really DRUNK, big time! I mean really drunk than I ever expected! Lol. It was really enjoyable to have him around, seriously because he was ALL silly and hyper alike my personality way while I was drunk, too! That's wut I started to adore about him more, even thought I only knew him since my sophomore year! Anyways, we teased and played TOO MUCH, and even we passed out at same time so early in the morning about 4 or 4:30 am. Hilariously, we woke up in the morning same time about 9ish, and got really hangover. We just looked at each other out of pink and said Man! It was pretty enjoyable last night. My friends and I relaxed at a place, where party was hosted at for a coule of hours. Katie finally woke up and said lets leave, now because my family and I were going to the resturant for mother's day. I was like well, I was waiting for u! So, lets go! We just got ready and left; I finally arrived home and tried to sleep to KILL my hangover, but I just couldn't sleep at all. So, I decided to go online and chat with my couple of friends to forget my hangover! However, Megan just Imed me out of pink and said she needed me to go along with her. I was like ugh, today? wut about mothers day? she was all like come on! just go with me bla bla (she had a good reason she needed me to come along with her, which I couldn't mention thur this GJ!) I got all ready before Megan arrived with Brian O'hara. However, they wanna take a shower and feel full of fresh, so they took a shower and got all ready. We finally left to LA and bullshitted for a couple of hours, and went to Orange Country to meet Laka there at the blocks. It was good to see her again, though. We chatted and solved the problems; As a result, everything went pretty good and smooth. (GOOD THING, I was there with Megan because I knew if I am not there to help solving the problem with them and a few others. There would be no witness, who could tell the truth since I was witness about WUTEVER they needed to know the truth and fact.) So, after solving the problem and clearing everything out with them, we went straight to Daniel's house to visit him for a couple of hours. However, his father busted him by chatting with us throught the window in his room, which was really HILARIOUS! His dad was like what are they doing out there? Daniel was like.. *gasped* they just came to surprise me (I couldn't remember what exactly he said to his dad, but it was really HILARIOUS! *laughs* Anyzwoo, I dunno if his parents were really pissy at him, but I saw his dad kinda of disappointed while Daniel told us to come inside. OOPS! We must be bad girls and boy to come to see him, even thought I didn't think it was good idea to see him late in the night but I just ignored all of this and went to see him. BUT BUT BUT it was really fucking GREAT to see him again, though! We went outside and toked up some good hits while caught up news and played around for a short while. End of the night, I was like I had to leave because I got school next day, which is TODAY! ugh, but at least, my weekend was really worthy! Oh oh oh! And, I gotta say one more thing about today at school, I arrived at English class about 30 minutes late and did my work *bla* When the class was over, I chilled with Stacy for a really short while before she left. She was all like u were really drunk! I was like I knowww, and she was like.. mann, I mean u were REALLY I mean REALLY drunk! I was like.. HAHAHA I know I know.. Must be really enjoyable! It was really hilarious about wut she said. PFFT! And again, Amy Dearing, my roommate, was like u were really drunk!! I was like.. I know while I laughed! At least, I really enjoyed my night at the party! She was like haha yeahhh! Also, u were really cute while u were drunk. I was like how cute? She was like.. u kept on coming to me and hugging me, and said Im really happy that u are my roommatee while tearing. I was like wut?! Tearing? Cant be! I laughed to HELL because I thought it was really impossible, but really hilarious! She was like.. And also, u were so cute while u walked everywhere in the party and played alot while being really silly and hyper. Amazingly, I definitely LOVE wut I am, how I am, and who I am since my good friends told me everything about myself, which I didn't notice. To be honest, it is really nice to gain knowledges about me! *Miriam, I LOVE YOU!* Yea yea, thats me! :D :D

MANN! I typed too MUCHH!!! Must be enuff said as well. Hope u enjoy reading this long entry! ;)

Megan, I wanna say.. Thanks very much for taking good care of me while I was really drunk last Saturday. Of course, u knew I will always owe u! Love ya, my sweetie homegirl. Xoies!
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