(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 02:10

so ive pretty much lost touch with moist of all my old friends. and life for that matter. starting a new one that is shakey and just born and isnt sure if it can stand. but im looking forward to it. everythings fresh and new right now and thats allwyas good.

im drunk. or well no not quite drunk, just buzzed. i was drunk concentrating on typing took care of that. ive so needed a recreational activity such as drinking. some people have pot some hav coke e what ever. this is my new recreational expierience. only the second time ive been drunk. i have massive amounts of self controll at times. some people disagree with that because they think i move to fast and make rash decisions when things couldnt be more opposite. im allways quite conciencous of my decisions and make them with great thought in mind even thought they might not allways turn out the best i make my decisions for a reason, often times these reaosns go missunderstood.

wow typeos.

anyways ive been living life as a rollercoaster lately and its beena blast. work has been great. this weekend has been unbelieveable thanks to someone in particular who is the most amazing person ive come across in a long time. and tomorrow i take care of a few resposibilities that need tended too.
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