Yes, it’s a bit late, but I haven’t quite been able to do anything and now it’s back to school after the "holidays" during which I was supposed to write a few essays, transcribe, work on my Masters and study for a test and ended up… well I kind of studied a bit for the test in the last minute and a few hours before (I woke up at six o’clock, despite normally going to bed at that time… Yay for perseverance!) and of course the questions where on topics I hadn’t read, but I was NOT going to leave an empty paper, and ended up JUST passing with my made up answers. (Yay for perseverance!). All the rest… I kind of started, but never really got there… I absolutely HAVE TO this week(end), because otherwise I’m completely screwed. And then there’s studying for the next tests. I’ve been less depressed this year, which is a good sign, but my own insecurities are still holding me back. I made a promise to myself that if I’m able to pass the test with barely studying, I’m going to make an effort to NOT waste my brains and potential, which I would consequently obviously have. I just have to hope that my mind and body won’t fail, like they usually do, because then not even perseverance can help my completely messed up state. Visiting a psychologist has made it worse as well, but I’m not giving up on that either.
My NY resolutions
1.Lose weight (yes, that’s always there)
2.Eat healthier
3.Exercise (hasn't worked, because I have been feeling so bad and incapable of doing anything)
4.STUDY (hey.. maybe the 6th time is lucky?)
5.Read more
6.Don’t procrastinate (SERIOUSLY!!)
7.Be more sociable (doing better here as well… I even spent the New Year with friends )
8.Be nicer
9.Organise my messed up state
10.Organise my messed up life
Other important stuff:
-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS (I already voted in advance… the actual day is tomorrow… *nervous* My brother and I voted for the same person, which was... amazing and rare. My Dad is going to be the black sheep this time, if my Mum sticks to her plan)
-I heard of this kid, but he was on the news and in the paper, so here:
Click to view
I like our kid more than the Canadian superstar. :) I saw him on a talk show and he seemed adorable, positive and strangely down-to-earth. This song is simple, but it’s kind of catchy and it's refreshing that it’s actually innocent and childlike instead of more "adult themed" masked under childish cuteness.
Also: while I’m not quite sure about the relationships (so the singer’s friend likes a girl, who dumps him after a few weeks during the time he’s ditched the singer, who in the meantime is skating with his(or her) friend’s older sister?) I got the impression that the girls in the song are the better skateboarders (assuming the singer is a boy, but the girls rule regardless). Again: positive. :)
-I should actually finish this essay on Bertolt Brecht, but I caaaaaaan’t. My German has worsened terribly during my time at uni. This topic actually came up in a convo with another girl, who is in the same boat. Seriously, if I weren’t this bad at German, I would probably not be having this amount of trouble. For my Masters all I have to do is write something so I can tell the teacher just that and thus buy more time. I don’t know what that something would be…
-Besides all the writing in German I’m supposed to do(Essays and Masters) I don’t have a horrible course load for this semester. Some sociology tests, a sociology course, two other German courses (one of them is CRAP) and Spanish. So I will survive. AS LONG AS I DO EVERYTHING ON TIME AND DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!!
Actually, I think I’ll go for a jog now… it’s nice and snowy outside. :)
Um.. and eventually will be checking other journals to see what I’ve missed. Beware the late comments!!
Oh and I hope I'll be more active on LJ. :) If I can get my life in order, that will change. :)