Jan 02, 2006 22:00
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. clothing
2. With Honor cd
3. candy
4. bombers yesterday
2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. water water water
2. milk
3. chocolate milk
4. hot chocolate
3)When Is The Last Time You Cried?: uhh, last week, before break.
4)What's In Your CD Player right now: Paramore.
5)What's Under Your Bed?: boxes with year books and misc stuff i keep.
6)What Time Did You Wake Up Today: 9:46.
7)Current Hair?: down.
8)Current Clothes?: corduroy pants shirt, sweatshirt yeah.
9)Current Desktop Picture: foo fighters.
10)Current Worry? going to economics tomorrow.
11)Current Hate? i dont really have one.
12)Favorite Place To Be?: anywhere but my house.
13)Least Favorite Place?: home.
16)How Tall Are You? 5'2"
17)Favorite random quote?: eat it
18)One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To: def my grandma
19)Favorite Day: june 26th because... NoFX was amazing.
20)Where Would You Like To Go?: montreal, france, germany, new zeland - everywhere.
21)Where do you want to live when you get married?: somewhere outside the borders of colonie, anywhere else i think i would be content with.
22)Favorite food?: cheeseburgers, tacos, french bread pizza - the staples.
23)Color of most clothes you own? i think green or brown.
24)Number of pillows you sleep with? 2 but i have a copious amount of pillows in my bed.
25)What do you wear when you go to sleep? depends on the temperature of my room.
26)What were you doing 12AM last night: hanging out with bryan, kyle, and chris.
27) If you could have anything you wanted for a pet, what would you have: something i could ride around town, giraffe.
28)What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?: graduated from college obv, hopefully being happy with someone, if not, i'd be the creepy old person at a highschool kegger.
30)Are you paranoid?: i'm trying to avoid it.
31)Do you burn or tan?: tan.
32)What is the brand of your wallet?: o'neil.
33)First piercing/tattoo?: ears when i was 5 in New Hampshire. Tattoo coming soon
34)First enemy? uh not sure.
35)Last person you yelled at: my sister
36)Last crush?: since its in the past tense, Tom.
37)Last thing you ate?: cheese
38)Last traumatizing event? uh.....
39)Fav animal?: porcupines
last night was a lot of fun, wish Sars could have stuck around.
Katryn's 18, and that's weird. My birthdays in 11 days and I can't wait.
I have nothing to spectacular planned, I'm just happy I'll be able to drive after 9 finally.
I can't stop listening to Paramore and I don't know why.
Whatever, I'm happy and thats all that matters right now.
I hope we have a snow day tomorrow, so I can hang out with someone awesome :)