take these chances, place them in a box until a . . .

Jan 10, 2005 13:58

. . .quieter time, lights down you up & die . dmb

i really have to stop writing such gay ass journal entries (see : all the old ones).

anyhoo. .
im home from school again. i keep coughing and it sounds like a dying animal, great. I really hope I'm ok by tommorow, otherwise there will be a big problem. Casey and Kaileigh aren't still mad at eachother. . I'm still confused - but not about that.

i'm looking at nathan's website. .it's interesting. Some of his lyrics upset Casey - go figure. He's very good at writing lyrics, though. "Relent or Repent?" was what bothered casey - obviously not the title, the words to the song. Ok, well you could have been that dumb. Anyway, I'm sure if I were her, that they'd bother me too. But I think - although I'm quite possibly the only one - that it's a step in a good direction that she read those lyrics. And realized what it meant. Yeah for nathan's emo song.

I tried to learn "Guernica" by Brand New. It's kind of hard ; especially based on the fact that I'm not a very fast learner or good at guitar at all. I'm sure after a while I'll come to me. Practice, Practice, Practice! If Emily can learn the bass part - don't know how hard it is, though - , and we can get SOMEONE on drums, it'd be awesome. Casey could sing and nathan could do that semi - sceamish part at the end. It would be beautiful. Not Conor Oberst beautiful ; like, Jesse Lacey beautiful.

Casey and me had a whole disscusion on how GORGEOUS Conor Oberst is. Very Gorgeous, thats it. Casey wanted to get Bright Eyes tickets for her b-day, i wish i could get them for her, but i think that they're sold out. I told her that I would go just to LOOK at conor oberst, but then i downloaded Bright Eyes and realized that the music kicked ass.

Download These Songs:
- Lover I Don't Have To Love
- No Lies, Just Love
- The Calender Hung Itself
- A Perfect Sonnet
All of the above by Bright Eyes. A Perfect Sonnet is my favorite :)
the guy is a lyrical genius!
The only bad part is that he was in ElleGirl which = mainstream. Which means you get the kind of annoying fans that all the normal (meaning, only slightly insane) fans (see : Casey and Nathan) most likely think are, well, annoying. But, there's nothing wrong with sharing the love for BRiGHT EYES. right? yes.

I should be studying

peace, love, empathy

p.s. - like my new adjustments? haha. sry you can't read because of the green font ; i'm trying to figure out how to fix it & a better color - any suggestions? if you know what this picture is from, i <3 you!
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