you're afraid to find out all this hope, that you had sent into the sky, by now had. . .

Jan 10, 2005 07:37

. . .crashed, and it did, because of me . SoCo

ahh GOD i DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. i mean, i've been upset with matt. thats not secret.
he just doesn't have time for me.

but then last night i was talking to him, it kinda was upsetting . . . he said he wanted to be with me, and he wanted to make me happy, but the only way to do that would be to leave me, but he can't.

so i decided, you know what? i think i should just break up with him, it would be the best idea for both of us, etc.

i wrote him this whole long note about why, etc.

( i had my away message up last night)it said :

"LiE to me and say
'it's gonna be all right'
- bright eyes
will it be alright?
*mL[11.16.o3] i love you
studying / sleeping / dentist / school
be back after "

so matt iMs me 8 times (it counts that for me!)
saying that he knows it seems like he doesnt have time, but he really will make time, and that one of the most important things to him is me and making me happy, and that he loves me . . .

and i know he's said that before and i know that it never happened. but i can't break up with him now! what the hell should i do?
don't worry, i'll figure it out. . .
i guess i should go feed the ponies now. . .

peace,love, empathy,
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