Jul 29, 2005 23:12
So Brett and I got into a fight last night. It made me cry. I don't cry over dumb shit. But this was seriously dumb. It was blown WAY out of proportion. Rediculous. I was still really upset about it today, but as soon as I saw him and knew that he was in a better mood and was "over it" as well...I felt so much better.
Just thinking about where I have been in previous relationships at this point in time(7 months)...I was fucking miserable. But stayed out of fear, fault, or low self esteem. Or some other stupid reason. I loved my ex's but it wasn't the right kind of love. It was pity love or feeling like i was supposed to love them because they "loved me".
I don't feel that way with him. He makes me happy. We hardly EVER fight. And usually it's not fighting. It's being upset/mad and then talking it out. Then everything is okay. We are just so good together. I've never communicated with anyone so well...ever.
I babysat again today. Out of the goodness of my heart and bitch was an hour late. again. How rude. Then I had already agreed to babysit for her tomorrow, but I'm thinking about showing up an hour late. Maybe...but not really. It's not in my heart to be that mean or rude. Unfortunately. Grrr.
God Bless Arika. Made me some strong ass Margaritas...Hallelujah. They were beautiful. Got a little buzz. Yum.
Going to Nicole's party tomorrow. It will be fun. I love that girl. She is so honest with me. I just respect and appreciate it. And she knows I won't judge her at all. So we trust each other a lot. It's great and refreshing. She's so awesome.
A BIG THANKS TO Corda....xoxo thanks for my cd. You are my savior. I needed some new music to jam to. Dido was getting a little old and it usually just made me cry. Make sure to try and remind me about that concert next friday.
Ummm I think that's all for now. *le sigh* Have a great weekend everyone.