Mar 17, 2008 12:11
i feel better about this. we are together once again, that didnt take long, but it feels right. separation is killer. i thought about it... my whole liffe i have walked a path less traveled and stood on the tower that i built. there are many times where i have taken the easy way out, only because i wasnt willing to work. this was what i was doing with Pookie. i started to take the easy way out. i see now that what would make this whole relationship more unique than it already has become would be to complete the story. its the path less traveled! im not going to ggive in to the hard times ahead. its going to be hard. its not easy, but it will be so good when this is over. in the span of a lifetime, how long is 4 years? not that long. i can do this. i believe in myself as much as i believe in her. its balanced for once.
today is a good day...