(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 19:18

Screw English. I want to teach science!

Had a great Bio class today. Inflated and dissected a heart & lung pluck from a pig (thankfully it wasn't still warm like some of the ones I heard about last semester!) I had bunches of kids up at the front with me to touch the parts, blow into the lungs and take a closer look at all the parts. Ended up taking nearly the whole class to do the demo, which I wasn't hoping to do, but considering it was the first time I'd ever seen a lung and wasn't always sure where to cut, it did take me a bit longer to get through everything. But all things considered, I think it went very well. The teacher liked it, and gave me lots of helpful feedback. This is exactly what I needed a month ago when I started this practicum! So at least I'll get a couple weeks of useful & helpful practicum experience before I get back to the faculty.

Felt like I was back in my element by doing the science demonstration. I used to love doing demos at the museum. I finally feel like I'm teaching instead of babysitting! Hopefully the rest of the respiration unit will go as well as today.

But I am worried that tomorrow won't be so great. I have a meeting with my advisor & my English collaborating teacher. Last semester when we had this type of meeting I wasn't feeling well to begin with, had my confidence crushed, and ended up crying in the staff lounge bathroom. This time, I have my meeting and then right after I have to go teach Bio, with my advisor watching. I know I have a tougher skin this time and I probably won't feel so awful, but I'm worried the stress'll make me break down at some point anyway.

I can see the Bio class now:
Class, this is the diaphragm muscle.
It creates a larger volume in the lungs.
The larger volume creates a lower pressure.
*runs from room*
*fails semester*
*goes to film school instead*

In other boring news, I got a tetnus booster today as part of my travel innoculations and my shoulder's sore! Owie! :(


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