Aug 04, 2005 22:43
Ouch. There is something wrong with my ear! I managed to get water in it on Tuesday night during my shower and no amount of head-tapping, absorbant tissue wiggled inside, or sleeping on my side has gotten it out. So I've been walking around for two days with my left ear all blocked up. Is this really bad (like, walk-in-clinic-needed bad) or just irritating?
In other news, I saw an ad for Target's back to school clothes today and the song they used to flaunt their wares was Sir Mixalot's Baby Got Back. The infectious beat pumped away while a bunch of junior high school students danced around in cool new clothes (that look just like the clothes that they probably already own, but in different colours) that are subliminally emphasizing their big butts. Why else would they use that song on an ad for kids clothes!? Aren't they still ripping off my parents' music for ads? *whimper* I'm getting old!! Why else would they use that song? Just to make me feel old? Or to make me feel offended, too? We all know what the words aren't really "baby I'm back" like some genius marketing guy wants us to believe. This must be an awful evil ploy to sexualize young children, make me feel old and thereby kick my ovaries into gear so I can produce sexualized children, and then buy the clothes paraded around on the screen with nostalgic songs.
Curse the advertizing industry and their evil plots!
Wonder if the Target ad was done by the same evil "genius" who decided to sell antidepressants "with a low chance of sexual side effects!" (Hurried:"Consult your doctor immediately if you experience suicidal tendancies." Doesn't that defeat the point?)
Next time I'm bored, I'll just put on a DVD instead. *eye roll*