May 01, 2006 16:21
I'm bored. ugh. I cursed myself around noon by noticing how fast the day was going by. Brilliant.
The other day, Stevie was asleep on the loveseat, and Phil and I were on the couch, with Dorian inbetween us, happily chewing on his rawhide bone. He kept losing them, so I got one with gigantic knots on either end, figuring he wouldn't be able to lose that one. However, it's a little too big and cumbersome for him, and he'll keep dropping it if he's on the couch with us chewing it. He ALWAYS stares at it after he dropped it, like he can't quite figure out what happened. Then he'll hop off the couch, circle the room (To check for bone dropping entities?), pick it back up, then hop back on the couch. One of the times he did that, he noticed Stevie on the couch. For some unknown reason, he loves Stevie. Always wants to play with him, even though Stevie screams and hisses and growls and swats at him. Stevie does not love Dorian. Dorian goes over to Stevie (still sleeping) and puts his head in front of him and gazes adoringly at him. He does the same thing to me when I'm in bed and he wants me to rub his ears. Or let him out, but that usually includes nose nudges. They stay this way for at least a full 30 seconds. Then Stevie wakes up. Looks at Dorian, who is just looking at him, not chasing or trying to play. Freaks out. Hisses, swats, cannot stand up because he's wriggling so much, finally gets up, and darts across the room at 100mph and down the basement stairs. Funniest. Thing. Ever. I thought I was going to pee my pants.
I *think* I dreamt a song. Somewhere I heard the song that may or may not be a product of my imagination, and they kept using a line out of Elvis Costello's Alison. "My aim is true" just popping up in it. Then I heard Alison on the radio this morning, and I was like, ugh, that band stole that line, and then I couldn't remember anything else about the song, or where I heard it, just that it was way faster than Alison, and I think I saw the video and there were guys jumping around in the snow with guitars. Then I was like, I'm I just making this up? Did I dream that? I'm pretty sure I did...
We have irises growing in our front yard, yay! And we have more than one rose bush. Although the little one has bloomed and lost its pedals already. They're in funky shape. I definitely need some good gardening skills soon. And some clippers. Our front bushes are out of control. haha.
I hate the soap in the bathroom here. They make my hands so dry. Evil soap.
Fifteen more minutes of work. I can't wait to start school. Then finish school. Then not have to work jobs like this one ever again (one would hope). Then spend my days picking out fabrics in bright colors and bold patterns. I wandered Target's summer section yesterday. It's brilliant. Filled with color. I love it. My mom said she's sending me a goodie box with some Target $1 spot stuff. I can't wait to get it. She said she just needs to find a box. She didn't tell me what was in it, but yay! Presents in the mail, fun fun!