TV and stuff

Oct 01, 2010 20:56

Stuff first. Namely, Pandora stuff. I got my bracelet, and in the week since then I've bought TEN charms. I KNOW. I'm sort of insane (and eating nothing but bread and water for the rest of the month, but whatever).

Basically, I started by buying some of the beads from the picture in my last post, and then it just snowballed and last night I ended up buying three charms from Etsy (I'd forgotten all about Etsy! And then I went there and found a TV charm, a book charm and a camera charm, all in just minutes!). So, this is the current plan for the bracelet:

I have bought the blue enamel beads and everything in between them (well, the cola can came with the bracelet). I also bought the ugly duckling charm in the grouping on the right. And knowing myself the way I do, I'll probably buy the rest with next month's paycheck. Between this and saving for my vacation in April, I'm going to be beyond broke for a while. But that's okay! Because I've got a pretty bracelet to make up for it! *g*

And now for some TV pilot/premiere talk:

Nikita 1x01-1x03
I gather from my flist that everyone is kind of meh about this? I'm right there with you. I'm not hating on Shane West quite as much as everyone else, but he is less than compelling in the part, I'll give you that.

Also less than compelling? The conspiracy. If I ever felt that Nikita was in real danger, or if it wasn't as black and white as they make it out to be, if there was ANY sort of conflict, I'd be much more eager to tune in. I'll give it a bit longer to find its feet, but it'll probably be a goner by Christmas if it hasn't.

The Good Wife 2x01
I'm glad to have the show back, but I thought the episode was kinda meh. Probably because I thought the way the cliffhanger was resolved was very predictable and I wish they'd gone a different route. Like maybe Alicia choosing herself - divorcing Peter but not getting together with Will. Or her choosing Will and making the conflict be the trouble that choice creates for everyone involved. Can't someone think of an original idea? Must television writers keep the couple set up as the show's OTP separated at all costs?

Speaking of which...

Bones 6x01
I feel like this show and I are on the cusp of breaking up. I just don't CARE that Booth found someone new in Afghanistan because I KNOW it's just another way of stalling. Anything to delay the inevitable, right? Well, I'm tired of it. And I'm not a huge fan of Angela/Hodgins either, so the baby thing isn't exactly making me jump for joy.

Unless the next couple of episodes are REALLY GOOD, I'll wash my hands of it. (Well, until I feel like a marathon some weekend.)

Undercovers 1x01
Was it just me or did this show feel incredibly bland? I mean, it seemed to be trying to be as inoffensive as possible, and in the process, made itself not appealing in the slightest. Unless there's a ton of buzz, I won't watch past this episode.

No Ordinary Family 1x01
I liked it! It wasn't love at first sight, but I'm definitely going to keep watching. Also, I liked Julie Benz so much better in this than on Dexter.

Raising Hope 1x01
My Name Is Earl with baby? I didn't mind the baby part, but I got kind of tired of the white-trash-as-a-source-of-jokes a few seasons into Earl, and I'm still not in the mood for it. I think I'll pass, even though it did have its charms. Maybe a marathon later?

Running Wilde 1x01-1x02
I don't think I was expecting the show to have the tone that it did, so I couldn't get into the pilot at all (except for the Final Countdown reference), but I REALLY enjoyed the second episode. This one looks like a keeper!

Hawaii Five-0
I'm not even sure what to think of it. It wasn't bad, but the fact that I haven't sought out the second episode kind of speaks volumes, don't you think?

Premieres I have nothing to say about: Fringe, Criminal Minds, The Big Bang Theory, The Amazing Race.

tv: bones, tv: undercovers, tv: running wilde, tv: raising hope, you materialistic whore!, tv: good wife, tv: nikita, tv: hawaii five-o

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