Being Erica

Sep 23, 2010 15:53

I wanted to finish rewatching season 2 before diving into the season 3 premiere. That didn't happen.
I wanted to finish capping season 2 before picspamming. That didn't happen.
I wanted to to do a well-rounded picspam. That didn't happen.

Instead, this happened.

All Erica/Kai, All the Time

Honestly, I'd totally forgotten that Kai is there from the very start of season 2. I was sure he didn't enter the picture until later (probably because I didn't take note until later). Rewatching season 2 is AWESOME. Foreshadowing all over the place! Like when Erica thinks Ethan is acting weird and hardly even wants to open the door because she's afraid of what she'll find inside. JUST WAIT UNTIL LATER IN THE SEASON, MISSY, THEN YOU'LL REALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO BE SORRY ABOUT. And then there's this:

Look how Kai is framed in the shot as always coming between Erica and Ethan! I mean, this happens in almost every shot when all three of them are present. Spooky! Or totally planned. Whatever.

Oh man, such a good start. Little glimpses here and there of their connection, which then sort of explodes all over the place with the do over day.

Oh Kai, you know you're not going to remember, you did it because you want Erica to remember.


Oh man, the way he looks at her? Holy Intensity, Batman!

Caps are here.

And now I will talk about the season 3 premiere, so don't scroll down if you don't want to be spoiled!

So, group therapy, huh? I'm not sure what to think yet. It didn't exactly make me sit up and go "oh yeah, this is awesome". You know where my mind went, though? "I wonder if all of these people are from the same time?" Because really, when you're time traveling anyway, why not try to get the best group dynamic by bringing people in from different times?

And then do you know where my mind went? "What if Kai joins the group later?" It's the perfect way for future!Kai and present!Erica to have a place to meet and make out! Okay, I know I've got my 'shipper goggles on a little too tightly here - cutting off the blood to my brain, no doubt - but it's so perfect that if it doesn't happen this way, I kinda need someone to write me fic where this happens. (No one will ever write me fic where this happens. /sadface)

Totally looking forward to seeing Erica and Julianne succeed (they have to defeat evil!Brent, right?) in their business (and their new offices sound awesome. Exposed brick and a fireplace? Hells yeah!)

picspam, picspam: 'ships, tv: being erica

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