(no subject)

Aug 24, 2010 00:22

A couple of years ago, on the first day of winter, we had people in Stockholm who were stuck in traffic for seven hours (black ice was the culprit if I remember correctly). I thought that was bad, but this NINE DAY traffic jam has to take the cake. Holy crap!

The only shows I'm keeping up to date with are reality shows. I may get spoiled for True Blood, Eureka, Mad Men, et al whenever I venture outside my flist (and sometimes even when I stick close to home - mostly through no one's fault but my own), but knowing one thing about an episode won't completely render it pointless the way knowing who gets booted off does for a reality show.

Project Runway
I'm not really sure who I'm liking this season, but I do know who I'm not liking: Gretchen. GOD, she's like the most pretentious designer they've ever had on, AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING! And with so little reason, considering every time I see one of her outfits walk down the runway I flash to this:

I'm sorry, but no one who steals so liberally from ABBA in its declining years deserves to be that smug, not even when the judges are that blinded by the fug taken with her designs.

This last episode I was so happy that Michael C won, just to shove it in those guys' faces. And Ivy getting all huffy about him winning? When she was nearly booted before she even made it onto the show? SHUT UP! And your outfit sucked ass with all that blandness.

Top Chef
Tiffany is edging ahead as my favorite. She just seems so genuinely pleased to win, so happy to be there and so joyful about her cooking. It rubs off on my view of her food (which at first seemed to me to be good, but could do with some refinement. Now I just want to taste everything she puts out.)

I watched a bunch of episodes this weekend, so I may just be dreaming this, but Alex was booted in the last episode, wasn't he? Because if not, I'm not so sure I want to wake up to the nightmare of still having that misogynist creep who can't even cook on my TV screen. If the producers weren't running interference to keep the controversial figure on the show as long as possible I'll eat my hat (and it would probably taste better than Alex's food!)

Can't say I'm sad about Kenny, and if Angelo goes soon, I won't be crying tears of sorrow either. Though at least he's not as full of himself as he was after the first couple of episodes. Come to think of it, he and Gretchen share more than a few things in common (and GOD, I hope Gretchen gets taken down at least as many pegs as Angelo).

And just because I'm bored:

Ten Random Things About Me

  1. My biggest pet peeve is noisy chewing. To such a degree that all my friends are hyper aware when they're chewing gum around me. I'm trying to get over it, I honestly am, but UGH, I find the noise So. Disgusting I can't even... *shudders*
  2. I am distantly related to Thomas Hardy.
  3. I have never read a single one of his books or watched any adaptation of them.
  4. On the last day of high school, my Marine Biology teacher asked what I was doing after graduation and when I said I was moving back to Sweden he was shocked because he thought I was American. I'M STILL RIDICULOUSLY PROUD OF THIS. (Probably because my little brother was 9 when we moved to Florida, and I never felt I was quite as fluent as he was.)
  5. The first tab on my Firefox is always my userpic page, scrolled down to my latest uploaded icons. (I feel kind of embarrassed to admit this, but there you have it.)
  6. You know Chandler's nubbin? Yep, got me one of those! (TMI? Honestly, it just looks like a birthmark.)
  7. Since May of last year, when I bought my eReader, I've read more books than the eight years before that COMBINED. (Granted, a lot of it has been crap, but I do squeeze in the occasional gem.)
  8. Since June of this year, when I first got into Kdramas, I've downloaded 500 GB of dramas. (This figure seriously scares me. Am I going to have to buy another 1TB external harddrive just a couple of months after buying a new one? The 1TB one before that took years to fill up.)
  9. When it comes to dental hygiene, I try to follow the advice given to me by my father (who's also my dentist): Don't use toothpaste; brush before a meal, not after; floss. (He's never told me the reason for the first piece of advice, but when I do use toothpaste, I kinda get it, because you just don't brush enough. The toothpaste gives the illusion that you've done your job, but your mouth really only feels fresh from the mintiness. As for the second rule, he explained it to me like this [when I was like six]: the time between meals is when bacteria starts to form in your mouth. When you eat, the bacteria uses the sugar in the food to start attacking your teeth. If you brush after, the cavities have already started to form, brush before and there is no bacteria there to start the attack. The third piece of advice should be self-explanatory, yes?)
  10. I have a mortgage, a car loan and I've worked in the same job for over a decade and I still don't feel like a grown-up most days. I wonder if I ever will.

personal, tv: project runway, tv: kdramas, dl-ing, tv: top chef

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