Long post is long

Jul 15, 2010 20:41

I've hardly read a thing since early June. Haven't finished a single book, actually, which is kind of depressing. My current subway read is Rosemary and Rue by seanan_mcguire, which is perfect right now because I find it so engrossing that I can just pick it up anywhere and remember exactly what's happened and what's going on. I really enjoy the world-building, ( Read more... )

reading, tv: kdramas, poll, books

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moyawyvern July 15 2010, 18:48:16 UTC
I don't think the Legend is available around here, or it has a different name, but I have a Motorola Droid that runs Android and I love it. It is my first smart phone, and there was a bit of a learning curve, but overall it is fun and easy to use, and there are lots of great apps to choose from.


_jems_ July 15 2010, 19:01:52 UTC
I keep hearing good things about Android, so that's why I'd prefer a phone that uses it.

Learning curve how? Just the mechanics of it or do you have to get used to using your phone in a whole new way? (This is what I'm thinking will be my biggest obstacle, because I'm not someone who loves their phone. I rarely text, I only have short conversations and for several years I got so sick of always being reachable that I didn't take my cell phone with me unless I specifically knew I'd need it [like if I were meeting a friend and we'd need to call to coordinate].)


moyawyvern July 15 2010, 19:25:15 UTC
My previous experience with phones had been "messaging" phones. I did an awful lot of texting, very little talking, and that was about it. So this phone is very different, and I learned to use it very differently. I don't text nearly as much, mostly to people I want to talk to or ask questions that aren't time-sensitive. I still don't talk a lot, and I use the apps and internet a lot more. It just took a little time to adjust how I used it, and got used to the apps. Googling things has helped with any questions or concerns I have had ( ... )


_jems_ July 15 2010, 19:54:25 UTC
Thanks, that was pretty much what I was thinking.

I really like that Android is open-sourced, I think that will help app development and general tweaks a whole lot. And I just like open-source on general principle.


moyawyvern July 15 2010, 20:12:07 UTC
The open source is a big deal for me, too. I don't take kindly to being told what I can and cannot do with my phone. In a lot of cases, if you don't like a normal program that comes on the phone (texting, camera, browser, calculator, etc) there is a free app in the market that will have what you want.


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