Long post is long

Jul 15, 2010 20:41

I've hardly read a thing since early June. Haven't finished a single book, actually, which is kind of depressing. My current subway read is Rosemary and Rue by seanan_mcguire, which is perfect right now because I find it so engrossing that I can just pick it up anywhere and remember exactly what's happened and what's going on. I really enjoy the world-building, the characters are intriguing and I'm even feeling kinda 'shippy about it. (Maybe it's just because I know she watched VM, but the first scene with Toby and Tybalt reminded me so much of this one from the pilot.)

I'm not even half-way, so no spoilers please!

But even though I'm enjoying the book and the subway is the only place I'm reading right now, I'm still thinking of getting a smart phone so that I can watch My Stories (not only on the subway, but probably there too. What can I say, I'M OBSESSED!). Anyway, I wanted to ask for recs, does anyone have any? The ones I'm looking at most are:

  • HTC Legend. The leading contender right now. Pluses: uses Android, fairly big screen for its size (and I can't really buy a bigger phone because my hands are tiny), REALLY PRETTY ALUMINUM CASING. Minuses: Wrong aspect ratio (would prefer 16:9), still kind of too big (but comfortable to hold, which mitigates it).
  • iPhone. Do I even need a link? The one that started it all, but I've never been a fan of iProducts. The only reason I'm even considering it is because I figure they've had a few generations to work out the kinks. Pluses: Lots and lots of apps probably? Minuses: My feelings about iProducts in general. Not to mention I'd probably have to install some sort of software and that ways lies madness, usually. Still the wrong aspect ratio.

Poll New Phone!

Speaking of my current obsession, here's what I've watched lately:

Nodame Cantabile
Arguably the best of the shows I've seen so far. Not my favorite, but I still loved it to death. And it made me download a bunch of classical music because OH MY GOD, SO PRETTY! And the specials round off the show perfectly.

I will say, though, that had I not watched Hana Yori Dango before this, the anime feel of it would have thrown me off. By, like, A LOT.

Oh! My Lady
I really enjoyed it, even when I knew it wasn't really all that great. I think it's because it was one of my 'shippier shows. And how can any child be THAT adorable? Her parents must have struck a deal with the devil or something.

Goong S
I only made it four episodes and change into it before I started to get A Really Bad Feeling about where it was headed. So I jumped ahead to the last few episodes, and like I've told a couple of people already: WRONG. Wrong 'ship, wrong story, wrong lead. Just WRONG.

Fated to Love You
My first TWDrama! Which I didn't realize until I started watching. And I couldn't figure out why I kept watching, because the first few episodes were pretty bad. Like, epically bad. Not to mention epically long. (Maybe it was the fact that they had good kissing in the very first episode?) But then I started getting drawn in and by mid-season I spent pretty much an entire episode bawling my eyes out (I WAS HORMONAL, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!). Towards the end, things got really bad again, but by that time I just had to see it through. Though now that I think of it, I kinda wish I hadn't, because I probably would think more fondly of it had I quit when things started going downhill.

The start was not promising. I mean, the guy was a complete ass. But they managed to save it (for me, at least), and I'm sure part of that was that I wasn't so much invested in the 'ship, but I really enjoyed the ensemble feel of the show.

I watched a couple of episodes of Tokyo Juliet, but it seems it was more of a melodrama (the title should have clued me in. What can I say, I'm kinda dense sometimes) and very much Not. My. Thing.

Boys Over Flowers
Up through episode 10 so far, but so far I'm not seeing the horrendousness that made everyone quit. I'm not saying it's great, but I haven't walked away in disgust yet. I can't say that I'm all that gung-ho about it either, though, and I've kind of stalled right now because...

I'm rewatching Goong! I'm not even sure how it happened. Yesterday I woke up really early (too hot to sleep) and I just suddenly wanted to see if the 'ship development on the show was as good and as satisfying as I remember it being so I cued up the first episode. I'm currently watching episode 13.

Can I just say that rewatching Dramas is The. Best. Thing. EVER?! And can I also just say that Alt+Right Arrow (Skip ahead 10 seconds) is my new favorite function in VLC Player? Trust me, I use it wisely and I use it well.

Time to watch another South Park episode three freakin' times. It's not like I haven't already done this twice today. UGH TIMES A THOUSAND!

reading, tv: kdramas, poll, books

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