
Nov 24, 2009 22:01

Only 1½ weeks left till my three week vacation! I need to distract myself with TV talk or it'll NEVER get here.

Being Erica
I just caught up in the past few days and OMG, how awesome has this season turned out? So awesome that I just went and ordered season 1 at Amazon.ca (10-12 weeks delivery time. Heh!) just so I can get some decent caps.

Though seriously, what is UP with this show and having all the guys I can see myself 'shipping with Erica sleeping with her sister? Seriously, stop that! At least this guy isn't in a long term relationship with her.

And speaking of Kai, awesome addition to the show! I love seeing another time traveler, and though I guessed the twist a few episodes before the reveal, I had no clue he was choosing to remain against his doctor's orders. A twist within a twist! I sort of can't see a way for Kai and Erica to actually be in a relationship, but man, I'd love to see them try.

And speaking of relationships, I was never on the Ethan train, but I am beyond ready to have that relationship end. Everyone else contribute something to both the show and Erica's journey, but Ethan is a complete drag in every way.

Still though, excellent teevee.

Before this season I never really 'shipped Booth/Bones. I always knew that they'd get together one day, and I liked the idea - you know, for the future. But now that they've ratcheted up the 'shippiness to the nth degree, I've become a full-fledged 'shipper. I'm such a canon whore, I can't even 'ship a couple until canon gives me permission to do so. Case in point...

Annie/Jeff! Soooo much better than Britta/Jeff. Of course, on this show I'm not so much a 'shipper as a sideline cheerleader, loving it when the show throws me these curveballs that MAKE COMPLETE AND UTTER SENSE! Also, that kiss was hot.

OMG, that cliffhanger was insane! I was right there with Debra when she figured out what's-her-face's slip-up, but I was thinking psycho girlfriend/reporter trying to make a name for herself/getting the cop boyfriend of her dreams, never in a million years did my mind go to Daddy/Daughter Serial Killing Duo!

I am so ready for the next episode! I've become so spoiled from having had an insane work schedule in the last few weeks and in the process storing up several episodes to watch at once. Now I have to wait, which is so not fair! I do have a mini-marathon of Sons of Anarchy to get my teeth into, though... But isn't this next episode the season finale? Which means I'll have no new episodes to watch for months and months and months!

Friday Night Lights
Unexpectedly, this show has shot straight to the top of my "episodes to be watched immediately after downloading" list. I was never all that enamoured with seasons 1-3, when everyone was just going bananas about this show, but this season has struck a chord with me in a way I never expected it to.

I think the problem with season 1, for me, was that, while I love a good underdog story, I never connected with Matt. And while the team lost Jason, they still had all the other players who were all at the top of their game. It was only an underdog story in terms of Matt, and I really didn't care.

But this? This is an underdog story I can get behind! I LOVE stories about teams made up of a ragtag crew who, through minor miracles and blood, sweat and tears, make it to the championship/win the cup. But with this team, I don't need any championship rings or winning streaks. I need them to just win one game all season. I WANT THEM TO CRUSH THE DILLON PANTHERS. Completely destroy them, grind them into dust, beat them into the ground. As long as that happens, I'll be one happy camper.

My love for Glee is a strange beast. I think some storytelling decisions suck (pregnancies! emotional continuity for one episode only! stupid marriage-related decisions!), and yet, every time there's a new episode, I'm clapping my hands and making high-pitched dolphin noises because even those things don't diminish the fact that I am completely and utterly charmed by this show. STILL! Even after all that stupidity! That's some power this show has.

How I Met Your Mother
So far, this entry has been all about how much I'm loving tv this season. That comes to a screetching halt right now. I HATED that they broke Robin and Barney up. So much so that I haven't watched the two episodes that have aired since. It's become the show that I'm putting all other shows ahead of in my playlist queue. WHAT HAPPENED?! This was one of only two shows I was really looking forward to last May (the other being Glee), and with just one episode, they completely wrung me dry of all my squee.

To be fair, it wasn't just the one episode's fault. I hadn't thought the Robin/Barney episodes were all that great (most of them felt off, many of them felt out of character, some were just kind of boring), but I figured that once all this "new relationship" sitcommy stuff was out of the way, they could go back to being their awesome selves - only together. Except that instead of letting them be an actual couple as opposed to a sitcom cliché, they broke them up! In probably the worst way possible (because I can totally see the reasoning working for the couple and the characters, but the execution was WRETCHED)! It wasn't bad because they broke them up, it was bad because they broke them up with reasoning that was sound AND STILL MANAGED TO GET IT ALL WRONG.

Ugh! I'm getting grumpy just thinking about this show. Let's move on...

Lie to Me
I'm still loving this season like crazy. And it doesn't hurt that one of my RL friends loves the show too, so it's something that we can talk about! (Most of my friends only watch shows that I don't. Like Supernatural, Prison Break, Lost and other assorted crap.)

The Mentalist
I'm getting ready to dump this show. The latest episode did manage to capture my interest for brief moments, but apart from the Van Pelt/Rigsby hook-up, this season has been a snooze fest. And even that was only interesting for as long as the scene lasted, because I've never actively 'shipped them.

And it doesn't help that Robin Tunney's face crater distracts me so much that I can't look at her when she talks. And the wardrobe department still doesn't seem to have figured out that putting low-waisted pants on a woman with a disproportionately long torso make her legs look even shorter and stubbier than they are. And they're already pretty short and stubby. (Or have they finally realized it? I can't figure out if I've become so accostomed to the disproportion that I no longer notice it, or if me constantly averting my eyes when she's onscreen has meant that I miss the pants issue as well.)

In other TV news, even though I enjoyed the Cougar Town pilot, I haven't watched a single episode since. Eastwick was starting to bore me by episode 3, and when the cancellation came, it just became one less thing to catch up with. Still watching and enjoying: The Good Wife, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, White Collar, Castle, Dollhouse, etc. My reality shows are all losing their shine this season. I mean, it's been a steady decline over the past few seasons, but this season there hasn't been a truly excellent reality season in the bunch.

The Amazing Race
It the Globetrotters were only better racers, I could be totally excited about this season. But they're middle-of-the-road racers at best, and so, while I still root for them, they just aren't worthy of me actually getting excited about them.

I will say that it was fun to see them back in Sweden. It's fun playing spot-the-local-landmark-that-I-pass-by-every-day.

In conclusion, Sam and Dan can go away now.

Project Runway
I wasn't really impressed with anything that came down the runway in the finale shows. And considering Irina went from copying to <>plagiarizing, I think she should be retroactively stripped of her win.

Also, Ramone should be asked to come back and do a finale collection. I think his had the only chance of being even remotely interesting. And that's out of all the contestants for the entire season. What a sad, sad group of designers.

Top Chef
Still rooting for Kevin, still expecting him to win. Oh, except there was something wrong with the file for last week's episode, and my meh attitude towards this season just made me realize that Kevin could have been booted for all I know. (If he was, I'm DONE with this season. And probably the show as a whole.) And the fact that I just realized that I missed an episode says a lot about how invested I am in this show right now.

tv: bones, tv: mentalist, tv: dexter, tv: amazing race, tv: cougar town, tv: community, teevee, tv: project runway, tv: friday night lights, tv: glee, tv: lie to me, tv: how i met your mother, tv: being erica, tv: eastwick, tv: top chef

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