Man, Labor Day+Dragon*Con+fall TV season still not underway=LJ being dead, dead, DEAD

Sep 03, 2007 20:06

Shiny things!
  • Extended Status Bar. I like seeing load times and the like, but this extension takes up at least half the status bar. It wasn't until I remembered an extension that Tissa had recommended that I realized I could keep it.
  • Organize Status Bar. (This is the one that Tissa recommended.) It not only allows you to organize the icons, it ( Read more... )

links: scripts, links: extensions, work, links

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Comments 12

spectralbovine September 3 2007, 18:54:20 UTC
Oh, thank you so much for the "up" script!! I was just last night lamenting, again, the lack of that feature. I had it on Google Toolbar, but I didn't want to install that entire stupid thing just for that button.


_jems_ September 3 2007, 20:51:15 UTC
I am constantly in awe of all the things that other people do to make my life simpler.


spectralbovine September 3 2007, 22:30:21 UTC
So, speaking of simple...

Say you had over a hundred pictures from your digital camera to upload to LJ Scrapbook. Now, I just learned that I can use Semagic to upload multiple pictures easily, which is fucking awesome. Is there an easy way (on LJ or off LJ, either way) to resize all those pictures so they're not ginormous?


_jems_ September 3 2007, 22:43:20 UTC
IrfanView is a free program that does batch conversions of images. I can't think of anything that does the job online, though.


dtissagirl September 3 2007, 19:05:56 UTC
Damn, LJ just ate the comment I wrote.

Anyway. Weird that Google Icon doesn't work for you, it has always worked perfectly for me. Have you tried uninstalling and installing it again?

Thanks for the LJ Hook tip, that's pretty neat!

As for bookmarklets, I've used the style=mine one for a while now. Two of my other favorites are here. One for stripping code off a page [I like reading fic without anything else on screen *g*] and another for searching Wikipedia by highlighting stuff and clicking the bookmarklet.


_jems_ September 3 2007, 20:54:21 UTC
Haven't rebooted yet so I'm unable to install, but nope, it's just a dead extension for me. I even tried narrowing down the number of search results, thinking that might be the problem, but it wasn't.

I was surprised that it was that easy to configure it for other sites, though I wonder if it resets itself when it updates or something, because I just had to add those sites again.

Thanks for the link, I think the Wikipedia one might be a keeper! (I don't care about fic so much because I mostly just read it on LJ, where I can use the default layout.)


_jems_ September 5 2007, 19:05:07 UTC
Hee! I was just here responding to another comment and I realized I am an absolute IDIOT. The reason I had to add the sites to LJ Hook again because I'd only added them on the laptop, not the stationary. DOH!


dtissagirl September 6 2007, 13:19:58 UTC
Heeee. The hassles of having multiple computers. :)


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