On notice: work, LJ, Buffy picspams

Dec 20, 2006 12:35

So, I'm translating Peep Show and I can't figure out what Jeremy means when he calls Mark "the ghost at the feast". I'm figuring it's some kind of idiom and from the context I'd guess it could refer to someone being bitter or unhappy with their lot in life. Maybe? Can anyone help?

Hey, you know how everyone's been complaining about the new update page? Well, I haven't, because I always post using my Semagic client. However, yesterday I was editing a post, which is something I often do on the site instead of through the client, and I was editing a private entry (a picspam I'm putting together) and the stupid update page defaulted the security setting to public! WTF?! And it does this every time, with every security setting. That is just so bad it's not even funny. Guess I'll have to go back to editing posts with the client again.

I was just thinking the other day how weird it was that I've never picspammed Buffy when I picspam VM almost weekly. And also, how weird it is that hardly anyone ever picspams the show. I mean, it's really pretty! And there are screencaps available all over the place!

Anyway, I was considering picspamming, but then I realized that just the mere thought exhausted me because I felt like I had to cover everything (and by "everything" I mean "everything Spike/Buffy", because I'm nothing if not 'ship loyal) and the picspam would be HUUUGE. I'm going to have to think of a theme before I attempt anything.

asta77, I got your card. Thank you! And also: hee!

tv: peep show, work, livejournal1, tv: buffy

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