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Comments 49

harper47 November 15 2006, 17:53:34 UTC
Excellent comment about Veronica not being able to forgive. And the consequences. Because truly no one can ever live up to pedestals you put them on. They always fall. As do we all. Excellent point.

Oh I want the punching Piz in the face icon too. God - so much hate for him from one scene. I was trying so hard to just accept him and not automatically hate him for all the KB gushing but now. Nope, uh uh, done, finished, kaput. There is never anything he can do that will redeem him for him.

Pretty caps as always.


_jems_ November 15 2006, 22:46:03 UTC
I think that Veronica actually has an interesting thing in that she always expects everyone to fall off their pedestals. Or rather, she sets such high standards for the people in her life that they can't help but disappoint her. I think it's her way of making sure she's not taken by surprise when people fail her again.

It's not an icon, it's a LJ tag. =) But an icon would probably work too!


slayervixen November 15 2006, 17:57:41 UTC
I agree with you I'm not sure how I feel anymore on the one hand the punching Piz in the face tag thing totally rocks. On the other Veronica seems to be annoying me more and more each week. She's just so quick to judge and while Logan did a bad thing she isn't the angel Rob seems to think she is.

Oh God what do I know but yeah nice spam!


_jems_ November 15 2006, 22:48:03 UTC
I understand where Veronica is coming from more this season, but it's still hard to like her because she's not all that sympathetic. Definitely too judgmental, not to mention hypocritical.


mefnord November 15 2006, 18:05:30 UTC
Weird episode for me. On the one hand it made me care on an emotional level about the rapist case for the first time, on the other hand it took a drugged and victiized Veronica to do so. And even worse, I still can't shake the feeling that I'm channeling V.'s own level of commitment there. *le sigh ( ... )


_jems_ November 15 2006, 22:53:44 UTC
Yeah, I think you're right about Veronica's level of commitment. I really don't understand why they're not capitalizing on the fact that she was raped in practically the same way (although in her case the shedding of the hair was voluntary). In my opinion we should be seeing her slowly self-imploding because she's not able to save others from the same fate, but Veronica's a blank slate. Rape? What rape?

it went beyond the neccesity of telling or not telling where he was and slipped into "I need you to be able to trust me" territory - and V. failed terribly to realize that.
Yes, or she possibly couldn't trust him because instead of learning to trust and forgive him she's just been repressing all the issues between them.

I think that Veronica was right in pointing out to Keith that he was doing the same thing as Jake Kane had been doing, BUT I do think that her sitting in judgment over him was way out of line.

Funny, because I've been thinking that he's looking slightly leaner, especially in the face, lately.


tiggz November 15 2006, 18:08:39 UTC

... )


_jems_ November 15 2006, 22:55:33 UTC
I did not recognize him at all!

I think that Liam was supposed to be drunk and that's why it was so bizarre. But the part before the menacing threats went on for too long and by the time he finally started talking about Kendall and all that stuff I'd already tuned out because it was embarrassing.


buffyx November 15 2006, 18:38:58 UTC
I really had the same mixed feelings on the episode as you-- I think once the rapist arc wraps up, I'll be able to decide more if I hated it or found it okay.


_jems_ November 15 2006, 22:57:27 UTC
I don't think I'll ever love this episode, but at the same time I don't think I'll ever hate it. I might dislike elements of it, but in the context of the universe, not the context of the show. If that makes sense.


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