VM 3x07

Nov 15, 2006 18:44

This week it seems my opinion of the episode is as all over the place as my flist's opinions (except mine are all rolled into one while most everyone falls on one side or the other). On the one hand, I felt really engaged and I wasn't thinking about any external factors that may have influenced this or that. On the other hand, there were plenty of in-character annoyances to go around.

Take this scene, for instance. I fail to see just what exactly Logan has done wrong that Veronica considers that shutting him out is a suitable punishment? He has the nerve to not want to tell her every single thing about his life? He didn't say "how high?" when she said "jump"? THE GALL!

I do think that he's stupid for not telling her because it's so very obvious that she's never going to let something like that rest, but I do not think that he has an obligation to tell her every single thing just because she's his girlfriend.

The moment this guy came in my first thought was "it's much too late to introduce the rapist now". And my second was "wonder if they did this to make un!Lucky look less bizarre in that 'disguise' of his".

So, Veronica's still writing the paper even though her professor assured her that he had no underlying motives about the internship? You know, I'm starting to suspect that Veronica's problem in the long term isn't so much the trust thing, but the forgiveness thing. And this is when I start to feel sorry for her, because if Veronica never learns to let things go she's going to miss out on a lot. Like Logan. Like the internship of her dreams. Like close friendships. Because it seems that anyone in her vicinity is just one mistake from being out in the cold. And that just makes me sad.

Seeing this face I can definitely understand why Logan didn't tell her.

Really, leaving a motel in flames is hardly what I would call admirable, but you know what? Veronica does less than admirable things in practically every episode and she expects to be given a free pass while everyone around her is supposed to live up to standards she can't even hope to live up to herself? I sometimes wonder if the word hypocrite is even in Veronica's vocabulary.

Especially when it comes to the part of the story where Mercer had girls in his room and Veronica acts all outraged at the idea that Logan was even in the vicinity of other girls when she is at that very moment sleeping in a room with a boy who she must know by now likes her. Better get a tight grip on those reins, Veronica, because that moral high horse looks ready to bolt at any moment.

Was it just me or did this scene go on far past the point where it became weird and uncomfortable?

However, this scene didn't go on for nearly long enough. Pretty, pretty.

Leaving your drink unsupervised on a table when you're investigating a serial rapist can never be bad, right? What could happen in a roomful of people? With a cell phone handy?

Just ignore the bizarre blurry people, they mean nothing.

This was the moment that I realized that I'd probably have to adopt jascott's punching piz in the face tag before too long.

And this is where I realized I'd probably have to create my own punching veronica in the face tag.

Back to Veronica, because what is a girl to do when she's all drugged up with no place to go?

Duh! You head straight for the deserted parking garage, of course!

Good thing your boyfriend has just been knocking down your door to find another guy there.

(ewww, creepy)

Because that means he can arrive in time to rescue you from being raped. Again. For the third time. But hey, at least it's a different night this time, right? *searches in vain for silver lining*

Um, what? There's an antidote to GHB?

I really don't know how to take this final scene. Because I know she loves Keith, and she lumped Logan and him together, so that must mean a lot, right? But is she saying that they've disappointed her too much for her ever to love them back the way they love her, or is she saying that she's had an epiphany that even when you're in a place where you're not even nice to them, those that really love you come through anyway?

Oh well, at least there's still this:

Prettier when looking down or your money back
(*please note that you are not paying to watch VM)

Woah, there was a lot of Logan looking down, but not much Veronica.

Album is here.

tv: veronica mars season 3

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