I think my poor Firefox is going to crash one of these days

Jul 26, 2006 20:07

Mostly from under the weight of all those extensions I keep installing. Today I have added:
  • PDF Download. I hate .pdf documents opening automatically and I always never even notice that it is a .pdf document until it's too late and I have to sit there for, like, ever until the Adobe Reader has opened. This one gives you a popup with the choices to Download, Open or View as html.
  • Image Zoom. Does exactly what it says.
  • ColorZilla. Gives you an eyedropper tool on the status bar which allows you to sample any color in the window, then provides you with the RGB and/or hex value of the color you selected.
  • LiveJournal Hook. Adds LJ specific coding to the right-click context menu. Highlight, right-click, select LJ Hook, and then the coding of your choice. Also has a user pic randomizer (I disabled this one immediately) and smilies.
  • Livejournal Friends Checker. I think I'll probably end up uninstalling this one because I can't figure out a way for it to check a certain filter as opposed to my default friends view. Which I never read because I have every single comm I belong to on there. Well, almost every single one.
  • Clippings. This one allows you to save form responses, e-mail signatures, stuff like that, and adds them to the right-click context menu. Probably great for community mods who have a standardized reply to queries and the like.
  • Undoclosetab was my favorite find of the day. I've never found a good replacement for this extention, which doesn't work with updated versions of Firefox, but in the comments I found a link to one that I was able to install, and now I'm just hoping that it works. *crosses fingers*

Ones I'm still thinking about installing:
  • FoxLingo. An integrated Babblefish!
  • EMail_Notifier Toolbar. Get e-mail notifications for Hotmail, Yahoo mail, Gmail and POP3 accounts.
  • Anonymization Toolbar. You never know when you might need a sockpuppet. *nods wisely*
  • Gmail Space. Allows you to use your Gmail account for file storage. Looks sort of like an ftp client. Speaking of which...
  • FireFTP. An integrated ftp client. Can't hurt, right?

Three extensions I downloaded recently and have found extremely useful:
  • Download Statusbar. I disabled the Download manager because it annoyed me whenever it popped up, but I missed being able to chart the progress of a download. This extension makes it possible to view downloads in a pop-up status bar.
  • Save Link in Folder. Allows you to customize folders to save links in when you right-click. I have my Desktop, My Music and My Videos folders preselected.
  • Save Image in Folder. Same as above except for images. I mostly just use it to save wallpapers directly into my Wallpapers folder. I also have my Desktop preselected because that's where I put everything that I don't want to keep in my system. And strangely enough I don't really have many images on my computer except for my caps, and even they're just back-up.

livejournal1, links

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