VM 2x19

Apr 19, 2006 20:33

I love nm973 so much right now for figuring out the second part of the briefcase theft. I thought I'd posted my theory about the theft here, but I looked through some old posts and apparently I just discussed it in comments in other journals. Here's one such comment:

In the scene where Keith and Cliff are watching the elevator surveillance tape, Cliff lists everything in his briefcase. Case files, address book, keys. He goes on to ask why anyone would want Logan's case files, some of which were in the briefcase and some that were in their storage locker. "Which was one of the keys...". (I'm assuming he means the Echolls' storage locker.)

So I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that it's Aaron needing something from the family storage locker. Or at least that that's what the briefcase thief was after - the keys.

And then Natasha realized what was behind it all: Aaron's Oscar statue to plant in the Kane's backyard (which should have been easy since it was on the market and prospective buyers were traipsing through the house). Kendall got Duncan's hair from the drain. Now the only question is where they got Lilly's blood. Wasn't there something about how they'd beefed up security on the evidence locker at the station because of theft? Could it have happened around then? But who would have been helping Aaron way back before mid-season? Also, why would Aaron want his own statue to be used? What connection does Duncan have with one of Aaron's Oscars?

As for the other stuff...

  • Hello nineteenth episode of the season involving a dog case as MotW. Is this going to become a fixture in VM for all time? Let's hope so, because I enjoyed both episodes.
  • I liked that they didn't go the clichéd route of having Jackie suck at her job. I never did hate the girl, but I never was very interested in her either. And I'm still not. I hope she does go off to the Sorbonne. Though I wonder how they'll pay for it if the Cook family assets are frozen. Maybe her mom landed herself a rich husband after all.
  • "Last summer I made this townie girl moan without even using my hands"... I can't have been the only one whose mind immediately leapt to "tongue". And if I was? I feel sort of sorry for the sad state of non-filthiness of my flist. *g*
  • Gia noticing some random guy mooning her on the PCH seems to place Liam Fitzpatrick at the scene of the crash, but I get this feeling that if the Fitzpatricks are involved (like, say, with stealing the C4 and placing a well-timed phone call) they're still not the brains of the operation. It can't just be random thuggery, there has to be some sinister motive behind it all.
  • We also got a date on the crash: September 13th. But I don't think it's going to be important, really. The only reason the date of Lilly's murder was important last year was because so much happened from the time school started to the date of the murder that it was kind of hard to swallow.
  • Oh Wallace, could you be more obtuse? I really don't like him when he's with Jackie. I like Jackie when he's with Jackie, but not him. And if it comes down to liking Wallace or Jackie I think we all know who 99.999999999999% of the viewers will pick.
  • I liked the cinematography much better this episode. The one place they had the weird colors was the one place where it was wholly appropriate - the Hut. Also, the garage where Weevil was working, but to a lesser extent. And still appropriate.
  • It took me a while to figure out what the heck Veronica was doing with that chalk and the car. I'm not sure how it helped her to know that Gia told the truth about the sticker, but whatever.
  • The guns are so abundant this season that someone just has to get shot soon. A split second before Liam pulled the trigger I realized that Veronica had emptied the gun, but until then I was fully expecting Keith to be shot right there in Kendall Casablancas' Priscilla Banks' living room.
  • Weevil's explanation about why he was following the bus seems mightily thin. I mean, I guess it could be the case, but I'm gonna keep my healthy dose of scepticism alive and kicking for now.

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