Four degrees of Brad Pitt

Mar 07, 2006 19:30

Last week was pretty slow for me, workwise. By choice. This week I needed something to do and I get a million things, all at once. And I'm still not done with that thing from yesterday. Still kinda scratching my head about how to translate "charismatic", actually. I think the biggest problem is that the word exists in the Swedish language with almost the exact same spelling. Only it starts with a K. Actually, that seems to be a theme with all the words I have problems with: controversial, character actor, Canadian...

Does anyone else have weird trains of thought? Like earlier today I was going through the dictionary, looking for Swedish words that start with C and I happened upon chef. Now, you'd think that with it being the same spelling and all, it would mean someone who cooks, right? Not so much. It means boss. A chef is called kock. However, a cock would be either tupp (rooster) or one of many many many synonyms to penis, including pitt. Why yes, we find Brad Pitt's name hysterically funny. Well, those of us who are twelve.

Also, I am fully aware that weirdness and I have more than a passing acquaintance.

I got those movies I ordered on Friday today. Actually, I got them yesterday (I was quite shocked that it only took two days for the Amazon order to arrive), but I didn't leave the house, so I didn't go to the post office. So, in my effort to procrastinate I updated my list of DVDs. I think it should be all up-to-date now, even though I'm woefully behind on the screencap post.

I just finished my rewatch of TWW season 2 this morning. Honestly? I'd forgotten how completely 'shippy this season is. What with the anniversaries, Joey Lucas telling Josh that Donna likes him and the not stopping for red lights. So much love.

And I really miss Sorkin's Donna. Probably more than any other Sorkin era character.

A friend caught a few VM episodes on TV and has marathoned the episodes in the past few weeks. Her sister called me to ask me who was at the door when she'd reached that point and was unable to watch the next episode at the moment (her sister, by the way, has seen all the episodes and couldn't remember. For shame!).

Today she called me asking for translation aid, and she brought up the show. Seriously, listening to her talk about it I'd peg her as a fangirl in the making. And she kinda hesitantly said that she really liked Logan. HA! She obviously had no idea who she was talking to. Further conversation revealed that she found Duncan dull as dishwater.

Speaking of VM, am I the only one who still finds the fortune cookie message trite and uninpired when applied to V/L? It actually kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies to see V/L icons with "true love stories never have endings" plastered all over them. In my opinion, it's way too juvenile and simplistic a phrase to ever encompass all that they are (and hopefully will be) to each other.

weird, personal, work, tv: veronica mars, tv: west wing

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