Well, I feel a million times better today. I got some work done yesterday and then I just played around in Photoshop for half the night a while.
Project Runway showed up about midday today (which I'd appreciate if you kept in mind for next week. It's not that I don't want to watch the show ASAP, it's that I can't) and I watched it and all was good with the world. And someone started seeding last season's episodes too, so I've seen the first four of those as well (and have two more raring to go). Of course I already know who wins since the winner was a guest judge this season, but it's still fun to watch.
Project Runway
I really didn't expect Nick to go home. I did get an inkling of an idea last week when they said his clothes were a bit on the vulgar side, but I always got the impression that they liked them before, so.
Oh well, at least Chloe is still in it, and I'm gonna guess that Kara (that is her name, right? There's someone in season 1 with the same name, so now I'm all confuzzled) will be the next to go. Not that I don't think that Santino should go, but the judges seem to be giving him break after break after break, and I don't expect any different next week.
Plus, Kara's stuff is sort of mediocre. I don't think I've seen anything really spectacular from her all season. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to remember a single outfit apart from this latest one, which also wasn't very spectacular.
Since yesterday's rant was so cathartic, I thought I'd just take a stab at a few more, just to cleanse the system completely, you understand.
- Hotlinkers. Seriously, what the fuck? Where's the common decency? I mean, I may only use about a tenth of my bandwidth, so extra charges are not really in the cards for me, but do people not get that hotlinking is tantamount to stealing? Anytime you IMG-link something that you didn't upload yourself? Guess what! You're stealing from whoever is paying for the site/PB account/image service/whathaveyou.
- Okay, this is gonna sound insane, but line breaks on icons. I get so used to breaking up lines at natural points to keep the flow of the subtitles going that it frustrates the hell out of me when people use inappropriate line breaks. Let's use "and then her heart breaks" as an example.
The wrong way:
And then her
heart breaks.
One correct way:
And then
her heart breaks. - And since we're on the subject of icon text, having text in the wrong order. At least if you're meant to be able to read it. Don't put
And then her heart
just because you wanted the "breaks" in a larger font and you couldn't get it to look pretty any other way. It just looks stupid. Ummm, let's just forget about the insipidness of my text, shall we? - Snow. Need I say more? I could talk myself blue in the face on this issue, but I just really want it to go away.