All innocent-like I went to Amazon...

Jan 02, 2006 21:24

...and what did I see? The X-Files seasons 8 and 9 for £18 each. I had to buy them, I had no choice, really. And then I started looking around at their January sale and I found Muriel's Wedding on sale for £5, and Sense and Sensibility for £7. Then I took a look at my wish list and noticed that The Office Christmas Specials was only £7 and the John Hughes box set that includes The Breakfast Club, Weird Science (or Wierd Science, as Amazon prefers to spell it) and Sixteen Candles was only £15, so I had to get those too.

I still think I showed remarkable restraint considering I didn't get Twin Peaks season 1 (only £14!) or Long Way Round Special Edition (£12!) even though I was sorely tempted.

I've been translating Bernie Mac today, and I have to say, it really is one of the worst comedies ever. Bernie Mac can't even speak clearly, which is a major hinderance to my enjoyment, and the show just isn't funny nor heartwarming. I mean, seriously, I think this is a show that could benefit from a laugh track, that's how bad it is.

And speaking of laugh tracks, these days I can't take a show seriously if they do have one (or a live studio audience). I think it's because I've been spoiled by Arrested Development, where nothing is ever telegraphed and the jokes come in such quick succession that it may take up to five viewings before you catch a joke.

I'm bored, can you tell? *g* Anyone want to entertain me by telling me their least favorite comedy show? Or most favorite? Anyone? Bueller?

work, you materialistic whore!

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