Dec 22, 2004 22:13
One thing BIOTCHESSS!!!
hmmmm today was pretttttyyyyy funnnnn.
i went to schoool. aced my testies!!! lol
then came homeski's then collie wollie aka collski aka real pine = real fine.
came and got me and we sat in the car why my brother waxed on and off real pines twuck.
WE VISITEDDD MISHAAA FISHAAA. AT WORKKKKIE WORKKKIEE. and i messed up the lipgloss thing.. dsuhauishf oh god. then me and collie wollie ballie mallie. just sung in the car and wait in trafficccc. then went to CVS= COLLEEN VALLY STOP.. lol i dont know madddee thatttt uppp. we madeee up sonnnngsssss. and drummed. i have to get cool coll a plastic mic.. but i dont know where to finddd onneeee....
i gottt a coat. with a goat. and moat and float on a moat on a coat with a boat.
mr shavy pantttsss jrr...
hmmmmmmmmmm.... i heard coll taste like chickenn. and looks HOT eating soup. mmmmmmm yeahhhh