~This shit is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!~

Feb 12, 2005 22:44

Saw White NOISE last night! CReeEeepy Movie! I actually liked it a lot, and I recommend seeing it...just be sure you have someone sitting beside you to suffocate the whole time! lol I love my suffocation buddy Lin-Z! :)
The movie ends, total scary silence, breathing heavily and then !:FART:! as loud as hell behind us! The whole theatre busted up in laughter..the guys who did it were Hott too~
Go to Barnes and Noble afterwards, where I am officially named "Chunky Lunky" by Lin-Z and Sarah's weird guy friend from Gov. school...and me and Allison find out some very interesting facts about shoes associated with role playing, and other, ummmmm, gross things.. ;) riiight Allison! aha

Then got to finally go to Kat's house to spend the night, seems like its been years! Get there already scared as hell, outside BY MYSELF, bang on the door like five times and NO ONE ANSWERS, the outside LIGHT GOES OFF AND I AM IN TOTAL DARKNESS~ I completely start freaking out and spazing and then I hear this really LOUD RUSTLING and I see A HUGE FUCKING SHADOW ON THE DECK and I jump up and down and YELL..and then the damn light finally cuts back on and I realize how much of a idiot I am when I see..guess?! a ghost!? a monster?! more like a BLACK TARP flapping in the wind that was attached to the damn lawn mower! I haven’t been that SCARED in a loooonnggg time; and I had to pee really bad too, so I’m surprised I didn’t soak my pants. I FINALLY get a hold of Kats dad on the phone, and he opens the door and I walk in all shakily and junk, and Kat and Cassidy are just sitting there completely calm and peaceful, with a "What's wrong with you?!" look on their faces...and here I was brutally thinking that they were such awful people and that they had moved the bag to scare me or something. WOW! I’m never gonna let myself get scared over something that stupid again! But it gave those two something to pick on me about! :) lol geesh

Act dumb all night, and try Darrin's Dance Grooves and some other dance video that had this girl in it with , NOT kidding, the most manly-fied, ripped, and nauseating stomach muscles I’ve ever seen on a women in my whole freaking life...it was like a damn GORILLA or something! In one word: GROSS!

(I LOVE how this whole freaking entry has extremely random Capitalization! Don’t you?)

Stay up till 3 something, and have to get up early to work at The Fat Tuna for 6 hours. A lot better than my Measly 1 hour weeknight shift! wtf? I better be getting that job at the Summit or I’m gonna lose my mind! Im in hopes that they will call 2morrow:)

SOMEONE WAS DRIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD 2DAY! OMG What DUMBASS could not notice they were doing that?! We came so close to a head on collision! that she had to swerve violently into someone else’s yard, and drive all the way through it, barely missing a person and a mailbox! Funny thing is she kept on speeding the whole time, and didn’t ONCe hit her brakes. When she finally got onto the road she honked her damn horn at me like it was my fault :0! I looked at the guy who was almost hit and we star at each other for like 2 minutes blankly and then he does like the psycho sign with his hands and keeps walking, so I just pull off in total shock, not even realizing exactly what had happened. What the hell is wrong with people? I am nervous in the car now, and I swear I will never EVER drive near Vista Acres again!~

(now thats a long entry)
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