(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 20:13

so yes. i got two hermit crabs! i got one yesterday, and he survived death when he didnt get eaten by my cat. i was really upset because i thought Walter, my cat, ate him. grrrr. i was one pissed child. I got the other one today. she is more friendly, but i think they like to pinch, so im kinda afraid of them. oh yeah, their names are Chump and Oprah. they are fuckin sweet, and you wish you had crabs like me. haaahaha. ew. that sounds gross. but its not.

yesterday, amanda and i hung out. we went "four-wheeling" with my grandma. it was sweet. then i ended up sleeping over amanda's. lets just say the quality of air was NOT so great...cough...sorry about that babe.

then i snuck out this morning, and came home. then iiiiii cleaned, went tanning, went to shaws, got Oprah, came home, and went hiking. yes, fuck me, i got lost because i lost my dog. she was stuck in a puddle. moron. so i ran around the mountain and my legs look like death now. ouch. i wanted to drown the little bitch, but she's too cute. sooo yeah.

now doob is sitting to my right talking about random shit and needing to shit. it's an ongoing battle. whoa, she just touched my thigh with her clammy hands. creepy bitch.  now she's molesting my dog. really. gross. stop it weirdo..."i forgot it has a weiner. i hate weiners." she stopped. "my foot's ticklish. i love how my old man relatives, but they're too cenile/senile to remember me, so they go like 'hey', and the tell my sister she's cute and they hold her hand," i love this bitch. she's a damn lunatic.

we are going to go do something. lesbian sex? hahaha NO. juuuust kidding. OH! we'll go play with my crabs.

again. not perverted.

Name: Elizabeth
Nicknames: Liz, ed, bitchtits
Birthplace: Manchester NH, but sarah still swears it was Romania
D.O.B: January 14 1989
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color:Brown
Height: 5'6"
Right-y or Lefty: Right-y
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Your Heritage: uhhh nothing? i'm like a mutt...however, if you ask doob, it would be romanian

The shoes you wore today: sandals, hiking boots, sneakers, barefoot
Your Fears: hurting someone i love, or losing someone i love
Goal you'd like to achieve: to be totally independant
Your thoughts waking up today: shit. i have to clean

Your Best physical feature: blub. maybe my hair?

Your bedtime: 10 or 11 -ish
Your most missed memory: being carefree and naive

Pepsi or Coke: neither

McDonalds or Burger King: neither
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton or Nestea Iced tea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

Cappuccino or coffee: coffee

Weapon of choice: sarah. nuff said.

Do You...

Smoke: no
Smoke weed: no
Cuss: haha yea
Have a crush: indeed lassies

Think you've been in love: a different kind of love
Believe in yourself: nope.
Get motion sickness: no
Think your attractive: nope.
Get along with your parents: one in a while
Think your a health freak:yup.
Like thunderstorms: sometimes. as long as i get to keep power.

Play an instrument: unfortunatly.
In the Past Month Have You...

Drank Alcohol: yeah
Smoked: no
Smoked Weed: no
Made out: no
Gone on a Date: no
Gone to the Mall: yeah.
Eaten an entire box of oreos: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on Stage: no
Have had a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
Gone Skating: no
Made homemade cookies: no
Gone skinny dipping: no, but i really want to!
Dyed your hair: yuppp
Stolen anything: a buck from my dad? does that count.
Been to a concert: no
Killed someone: this is a dumb question. why would someone answer yes to that on a public website?
Tried to kill yourself: no

Have You Ever...

Been Trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
Been rejected: quite often
Rejected someone: yes
Been caught doing "something": nope. i would die. ahaaaha
Been called a tease: never
Gotten beat up: ahaaa no

Shoplifted: no
Changed who you were to fit in a crowd: in fifth grade when i realized i wasnt a boy
The Future...

Age you hope to be married: late 20's

Number and names of your kids: twins, Noah Ethan and Emma Patience...and maybe Aiden Brown, Ezra Thompson, and Braedyn Troy.
How do you want to die: hiking

Where do you want to go to college: Brown University
to be when you grow up: a physical therapist/athletic trainer

What country do you want to visit next: well, Sub-Saharan Africa

In a guy/girl...

Best eye color: brown
Best Hair color: brown/hazel/green
Short or long hair: short!

Number of people I could trust in my life: two maybe?
Number of tattoos: none
Number of piercings: 5
Number of times my name appeared in the newspaper: beaucoup

Number of things in the past I regret: two major things. lots of little things
Last song you sang: "Spin" -- Lifehouse

Last thing you laughed at: my dad's rendition of "Respect" about 15 minutes ago in the kitchen
Last time you cried: today. when i was lost on the mountain looking for my dog who i thought drowned. yeah. fuck you, im cool...haaaaha phsya
What color socks are you wearing: none!
Current annoyance: all the thorns still in my thigh

Current book: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Current favorite article of clothing: boxers

Favorite place to be: hiking
Least favorite place: angwin's class
Strong in mind or strong in body: body.
Time you wake up in the morning:5 on a school day
Favorite color: green/brown
Do you believe in an afterlife: i believe in reincarnation.

Current favorite words/sayings: gaeee.
Favorite season: autumn
One person you wish was here right now: vania

Favorite day: sunday


Kindergarten teacher's name: Miss Cantin
1st grade teacher's name: Mrs. EVIL BITCH. she told us the easterbunny and santa didnt exist

2nd grade teacher's name: Mrs. Demers
3rd grade teacher's name: Mrs. Perrier
4th grade teacher's name: Mrs. Ryder
5th grade teacher's name: Mr. White

In CD player: the killers
On feet: nothing...repetive question
Under bed: dust bunnies like you've never seen
What time you got up: 8

Time it is now: 8:22 PM


Mood: exhausted
Music: nba playoffs

Taste: tangering fizzy water
Hair: in a shitty pony tail

Attire: bathrobe. thermal shirt, boxers

Desktop image: ryan gosling


Funniest: sarah, vania, amanda

Smartest: ryan, dania

Sweetest: vania

Nicest: vania

Newest: uhhhh wow? amanda? like, two years ago
Oldest: Nicole
Most honest: Amanda
Lies the most: uhhhh?

Smells the best: Kyle

Ditziest: Dania

Weirdest: sarah
Closest: vania
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